
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:38:36
带孩子在贝乐英语尚都中心听了一次试听课 ,缴费了 ,啥时开课 ? 纳兰容若最最有名的词是? 谁有钢铁侠3英文发音中文字幕正片, Simulink常微分方程建模仿真问题 名片上的BEHAVIOR Group是什么意思请指教! the rule was made___ suggestions from the different group members.1)to base on;2)based on; 3)basing on; 4)which based on 什么叫及物动词/不及物动词?put ,took ,cut是及物动词吗? The thieves cut the box ( ) and took away the money.A.open B.opens C.opened D.to open 电路的提 有会做的么 帮个忙/> 炸弹为什么要击中目标才爆炸炸弹为什么在空中不会爆炸,要击中目标才会爆炸呢? 原子弹是接触目标以后爆炸么 very dislike me 是什么意思? take 1-2 capsules per day with food ,or as directed by your health care professional. 水泥掺量15%是什么意思 100分!关于亲人怎样疼爱你、呵护你、教育你的作文从小到大,爸爸妈妈、爷爷奶奶这些亲人们是怎样疼爱你、呵护你、教育你的?请选择一个你印象最深的实力具体写下来,让大家一起分享.我 形容很能说的四字词语作业呀 这首古诗是谁创造的?内容如下:“日照香庐生紫烟,李白来到悬崖边.临死之前抽根烟,抱个肥婆上西天.”这首诗东汉时期唐朝造的! 国际贸易术语的含义? 欧莱雅2l077是什么意思 在英文单词中,比如best,adj&adv 英语翻译The slowness of decomposition of humic substances is a factor in the decomposition lag and oxygen accumulation in an ecosystem that has been stressed.In general appearance,humus is a dark,often yellow-brown,amorphous or colloidal substanc 英语翻译Chanel is especially famous for her collarless suits and is credited with the creation of the little black dress and such accessories as the two-toned shoe.特别是后半部分, 经济术语,媒体总用“或”,“料”来表示某事走向, 收入中吃喝所用占的比例越高,说明生活越不好的经济学术语叫什么啊? The old farmer,_____ the badly injured and burnt soldier,came out of the burning farmhouse,calling continuously for help.选项:a、supporting b、 having supported c、 being supported by d、 being supported 选哪个?为什么?请分析并翻译 Badly wounded ______ he was,the soldier crawled back to his camp at the foot of the hill.A) as B) if C) when D) while puerility of kid. 1.文中写有个野兽跟狮子开了个玩笑属于哪一种叙述方法?详细地写这个玩笑有什么效果呢? 狮子和标签中,胡狼的回答隐含着一种推理过程,你能具体谈一谈吗 用水泥做的杯子煮酒能喝吗? 酒要煮到沸腾,不会有毒吧!求大神解释,急,拜托了 寻求一个合适我的英文名请大家帮我取个好听点的英文名,我姓张,真名叫思鸿,男,21岁,金牛座. 征集合适的英文名之前提过问咯 但是不太喜欢 又来啦 本人姓庄 名雅萍 2.22生 瓜子联盟部落中居“柚子”,从事外贸 想起个叫上去顺口又好听的英文名 挺喜欢Vivian Serina之类的 但是同事有差