
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:00:12
——Well,where did you spend your holiday last summer?——At______.A.where it is called Grand HotelB.which is called Grand HotelC.what is called Grand HotelD.that is called Grand Hotel 1.Reading cartoons and comic strips had long been a favourite pastime for adults (A)the beginning of the 20th century.A.until B.at C.before D.after2.The super-singing girl for 2006 is Shang Wenjie,( D) her teachers and classmates at Fudan University 如图,C是线段AB上的一点,三角形ACD和三角形BCE是等边三角形,AE交CD于M,BD交CE于N,交AE于O.求证:(1)角AOB=120度,(2)CM=CN,(3)MN平行AB. 1.If I ___(be)you,I ___(will do)it again.If I____(be)a bird,I___(will fly)in the sky.(看词填空)2.They would like to____(be away,leave)for two days.(选择)3.Pleae pass me the book,____most students like.Is this the book for___you are looking.(关 ( )31.He said he had been to Hong Kong ____ and he would go there _____ once again.A.long before,before long B.before long,long beforeC.long ago,before long D.long before,long before 概率论的6题,求详解 防滑坡道的斜面积怎么计算啊 室外无障碍坡道是否计算建筑面积? 英语翻译请高手帮忙翻译下The last octet in binary form is 00001110.Only 6 bits of this octet belong to the subnet mask.Hence,the subnetwork is CCNA的题库,求翻译!Your ISP has given you the address to assign to your router's interface. They have also given you the default gateway address of After you have configured the address, the router is unable to ping any 如图,已知△ABC相似于△ACD,请写出两个三角形的对应边的比例式.请 快些回答啊 明天就开学了! 如图,已知△ABE≌△ACD,写出图中除这两个三角形的对应边,对应角意外其他相等的角和线段. 在三角形ABC中,∠A=∠B,∠C=80°,求∠A的度数 周末是指星期几? “周末”到底是指星期几?我要的是准确的答案…… 那请问到底星期天算不算? 星期天是星期几 是周6,还是周日. 英国的周末是星期几? 小周末指的是星期几?怎么有些人说星期五是小周末? 作文 心愿 画五角星只用圆规 不用直尺和量角器怎么画 十五分之八的分子加上16,要使分数的大小不变,分母应该加上( ) 用圆规和直尺怎么画五角星 怎样用圆规画五角星 如何用圆规画五角星如题 电视AFT在什么位置 AFT是什么意思 The students are busy with their homework all the time.(同义句)The students are( ) ( ) ( ) their homework. 如何用圆规,无刻度直尺,画一个正五角星? 下面的函数如何改成非递归int f(int n ){if (n 求此题答案(来自2010年天津市河北区中考一模数学试卷).在直角梯形ABCD中,AD//BC,∠ABC=90°,AB=BC,E为AB上一点,∠BCE=15°,且AE=AD.连接DE交对角线AC于H点,连接BH.下列结论正确的是:①△ACD≌△ACE;② i am working 改为同义句 I am not busy on Saturday.(改为同义句)It's a cold day today.(改为感叹句)It's a cold day today.(用两种方式提问)