
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:45:41
For i love you ,It's a poor excuse for what i 'm doing,But it'still ture,No matter how profect th It's a poor excuse for what i 'm doing,But it'still ture,No matter how profect the day is, 对对联 品美文若饮甘露( ) 上学读书品天下经典下联 There are two trees behind my house .对two提问 咪咪是我家猫的名字.翻译每空一词.把全部答案列出来能不能填the name of Mimi is )(?)(?)my cat. 照样子对对子,如写字对读书,支棵 对什么? Does the pet has a big mouth改错 the dogs are big.(变成一般疑问句)回答 英语和美语哪个比较重要? 几道句型转换题,(1)She offered to give me a book.(对give me a book提问)(2)Don't forget to bring your homework.(改为同义句)(3)Mother agrees to buy a new T-shirt for him.(对to buy a new T-shirt for him提问) train for a long 顺便问问train 不可能是“火车很长时间”吧?在线翻译怎么看怎么不准, think for a long A h_____is very big animal.It can run very fast. 紧张忙碌的一个学期即将结束,你一定想好好放松一下,你将怎样度过一个既充实又有意义的假期呢?用英语最好是有分段嘚. 我度过一个很有意义的假期 用英语说 I sent a letter to you last month.改为被动语态 改被动 1.I sent a letter to you last month 2.Do you use it for cooking?3.where did you builld bridge?4.Mother tells me a story every day5.Can he finish his homework today? 传粉有自花传粉和异花传粉两种方式,其中( )的方式比较普遍?传粉有自花传粉和异花传粉两种方式,其中( )的方式比较普遍 什么是自花传粉和异花传粉 The white egg is in the packet.(改为一般过去时态) 一般现在时态与一般过去时态描述客观事实时用一般现在时态,可为什么“电梯是美国发明的”Elevators were invented in the United States用的是一般过去式 two years ___(be) quite a long time.答案上是IS,为什么 啊?两年不是复数嘛? 南瓜雌花开了 我用葫芦的花授粉 南瓜会有毒吗 物种不同的植物能交叉授粉有效吗?比如说拿南瓜雄花跟西瓜授粉,植物是怎么样授粉的,原理是什么,过程是怎么样的. you can joke是什么意思?W: Professor Howl. Have you heard of him? M: Mh, he does have a good reputation in the political science department W: And a well deserved one. The same students who fall asleep in discussion groups and seminars fight for 埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎最高的建筑吗 英雄所见略同,英语 谁有,赶快--- some of them can be alive 翻译 英语翻译英语好的朋友替我翻译下,好像是句骂人话 英语翻译翻译成不是都活着可以吗