
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:15:36
he got up so late that he missed the early bus他起晚了,以至没能赶上早班车.为什么是so late that而不是late so that so that不是以至的意思吗 He is late for school is that he missed the early bus.是什么从句? 邯郸复兴区邯山区丛台区怎么分 英语翻译娄 山 关一九三五年二月西风烈,长空雁叫霜晨月.霜晨月,马蹄声碎,喇叭声咽.雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越.从头越,苍山如海,残阳如血. 函数什么是因变量!3Q 在C语言中,如何将一个函数的变量传到另一个函数中同时该变量在传入函数中变化时原函数也跟着变. 下列函数中与函数y=x相同的是什么拜托各位了 3Q(1) y=(根号x)的平方 (2) y=根号x的三次方根开三次方 (3)y=(根号x的平方) (4)y=x的平方除以x They haven't got any dictionaries____we needThey haven't got any dictionaries____we need. 俄罗斯为什么没有黄种人 They haven't got any dictionaries (A) we need.A、whose B、which C、that They haven't got any sugar and jam.改错 must i time on be 怎么连成一句话啊! 忆秦娥的全文翻译 they haven't any stationary什么意思 some people hurt themselves when they were watching a sports programme.who were they? 卢峭梅讲雅思听力机经词汇记忆掌中宝waitingfy.com@gmail.com 黄种人的优势与劣势 they haven't got any onions () beef.a.or b.and c.with选哪个? 《72小时征服雅思听力》和《卢峭梅讲雅思听力机经》两本书哪本好?我考过雅思,听力6分左右,450过大学6级.哪本适合我?分析下?最好都用过的? They haven't got ____(some)white shirts____上怎么填 电影《七磅》里的一句话怎么翻译“This one is just shy of 120 years”? This is just ten years after it ___ fivebillion.A.reach B.reached C.got D.get 选什么?为什么? This year it is 150 years after Yuanmingyuan Park's fire.翻译 -Take some medicine and drink a lot of water,and then you will be OK.-I will.Thanks for your s___. I AM BLING 有一首英文歌,里面有five,i am in your lie,six ,i am watching you ,i get my eyes on you大概是这么唱的,歌曲重复了很多这些one two three four five six,有一句是three, i am touching youhttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTQ0MzU3NTAw 用what can i do for you编对话 求慎小嶷的《十天突破雅思口语》PDF和MP3,多谢!如题,请发到changjbj @ 163.com,或者直接上传,多谢啦 填空:Take the___(three)turnning on your right 李老师今年40岁,李老师出生在哪一年 People there word take c( ) of it.根据首字母填空 有那些类似于“the day you wentaway”的英文歌?就是旋律好的,较欢快的