
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 00:00:59
英语翻译信陵君杀晋鄙,救邯郸,破秦人,存赵国,赵王自郊迎。唐且谓信陵君曰:“臣闻之曰,事有不可知者,有不可不知者;有不可忘者,有不可不忘者。”信陵君曰:“何谓也?”对 富光塑料杯有毒吗 孔文举说:“想君小时,必当了了.”让陈韪感到大踧踖的原因是什么 Emily took a little cat to home yEmily took a little cat to home yesterday.改错. Emily gives a big present to her sister on the birthday.(对her提问) 知恩图报是俗语吗 心中有佛看见什么都是佛,心中有屎看见什么都是屎.这句话对吗? Now I am a boy of 16.I have a lot of friends.But I like __1__ of them better than any other friend.We became friends when I began to go to school.We have been together __2__ nine years.He knows everything and remembers everything even happened in the 英语题目 英译中Bob stayed at home with his mother because he had no f__1__to play with.Soon they heard someone k__2__at the door.And his mother went to o__3__it. In came a w__4__with red hair.She said to then that she was thrir n__5__ and h luckluckyluckilyspeakharbor 描写人物外貌,衣着的四字词语 The little girl walks across the forests by herself.找出句中的错误之处并改正 A trick One day,a gentleman is walking in a street.He sees a little girl ringing a doorbell on tipA trickOne day,a gentleman is walking in a street.He sees a little girl ringing a doorbell on tip toe.But it's too high for her.So the gentleman says to This is the thinnest board I can find in this shop.翻译此句 I b_____ this shirt in the clothes shop yesterday 描写古代男、女外貌以及服饰的句子.要详细点、优美点类 英语鲫鱼刘怎么拼 为什么猩猩是人类的祖先 刘小宁怎么拼 英语 the shop for clothes还是the shop of clothes at the clothes shop 与 at the clothing shop有区别吗 clothes 翻译英文 苏黎世大学之主楼 科学家说人类是猩猩变的 为什么现在的猩猩不变人 根据周一和周二的课程或首字母提示,补全括号内的单词,使对话完整、通顺.A:Hi,are you in No.1 Middle school.how do you feel?B:We have (m_____)interesting (s________).A:What do you have on Monday (m________) 根据首字母以及括号里的提示补全单词Gina is a s_______ girl(clever)I will live in an a______ alone.(a number of rooms in a building to live in)David wants to be ana_______ when he grows up.(a man who travels inspace)In big cities,air p 上面一个“尸”,下面一个“从”是什么字?这个字+包蛋,在《宫廷画师郎世宁》里有这个字 上面一个尸下面一个者是什么字? underlying exposure是什么意思 怎样用三线合一证明等腰或等边三角形? 等腰三角形合一等边三角形三线合一等腰三角形的三线合一和等边三角形的三线合一有什么区别,如果没有的话为什么都说等边三角形的三线合一啊 根据对话内容,在每个括号内填写一个适当的单词(首字母已给出)JingA:What are you going to do this evening?B:I am going to swim in the (r ).Can you go with me?A:(C ).But I can not go there (b ) seven.