
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 21:17:33
“film”造句 see a movie为什么要用see Believe it or not ,I just said what I had thougt. 谁能帮我做出这道单句改错:I believe in what he said just now,but I never believe him. can't believe the words to her I just said 正常写法i can't believe that just said the words to her 有爱心且有耐心的来1 the doctor refused to____about his operationA say him B tell to him C speak him D speak to him2 He spent the whole day in his room.He was in his room___day.A the hole B the all C all D all of3 The taxi is a small swiss ae That he ever said such a thing I simply don't believe请问这里that引导的是什么从句为什么 We have enough money to make changes. as time 等于as time goes by? It’s easier to make friends ___ you have similar interests.横线上可以填什么?为什么? 英语翻译要求用frown at, 疑问句,Have you made...还是make...Have you make decision?Have you made decision? do you have a shaved monkey? have you made a_ to fiy to shanghai错了,是have you made a d_ to fly to shanghai 用“have to,take,lesson.".组句“have to,take,lesson”“Tom,often,study,evening" "enjoy,weekend" "surf,tomorrow"组句子 有人说,企业文化对企业的影响是决定性的.请你用文化生活知识反驳该观点.并运用文化知识简要说明企业文化对企业的影响. His money made——possible for the poor to have a hone.A,it B,them C,that D,ones 有人骂你没文化你怎么反驳 中国的文化分为那几种?拜托了各位 谢谢 《“看”的学问.讲了几种看?分别是什么?北师大五年级上册6单元 oshadhi 500ml的花水是玻璃瓶还是塑料瓶 l am very ------- with what he said just now(pleasure)词性转换 有一首个里面有i know that you,you know that me 的是什么歌? 把反问句改成陈述句大千世界,哪里没有野花的倩影? 把陈述句改为反问句在这个长满了红锈的鱼钩上,闪烁着灿烂的金色的光芒 “幻觉”用英语怎么说 改为陈述句?专家都做不到的事,你这么大年纪了,怎么能做到? 幻觉用英语怎么说 幻觉 的英语怎么拼 英语语法问题it 与one区别it 和 one 都可以代替前文刚刚提过的内容,it 可以代替复数吗?ones可以代替吗?几者的区别是什么, 由昙花想到的 作文 昙花题材作文关于昙花的故事(真实的)