
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:18:56
want to make a birthday card to him 还是want to make a birthday card for him 是对的? 水浒传人物特点 五年级课文《迟到》和《成吉思汗和鹰》2课的形近字.过了今天就不要了! 塑、饼、谱、抑、挫、歇、吉、营、劈、寇、蕉组词 21题导数如图 What( ) you see in Tom's room?are an can in own like is on中选 正确抄写:is clare watching tv in the living room tom no2.填空写出对应的时间一格一词:15:00 _____p.m.2:30 ___ ____填上适当的单词:On____afternoon,all the students and the teachers enjoy the school art__in the hall.Some st 莎士比亚的戏剧:Shakespeare's play莎士比亚的戏剧:翻译成英文为什么是:Shakespeare's play而不是Shakespeare's drama这里play 和 drama有什么区别? What is the theme of Shakespeare’s play “The Merchant of Venice”? 英语翻译a play of shakespeare这种表达不行吗?如果行,有什么区别呢 饼能组什么词 朝、饼、会,能和哪个字共同组词 英语翻译Animals at play often use unique signs - tail-wagging in dogs for example - to indicate that activity superficially resembling adult behaviour is not really in earnest. 给谱、朽、篇、创、族、绸组词如题,就今天 ,每个扩3个词 英语翻译ielts masterclass求学生课本的阅读的中文翻译 塑,饼,谱 抑 挫 歇 吉 营 组词每个组3个词急 请帮忙翻译一个句子,大概出自雅思阅读In such circumstances experimental techniques are often pushed to the limit, the signal is difficult to seperate from the noise, unkown sources of error abound, and even the question to be answered 数学求一个数的导数 我是辽宁理科考生,数学大题解析几何和导数题怎么才能做出来啊? 读片段,写成语山洞很深很深.手电光很微弱,朦朦胧胧,气氛有点神秘兮兮的……突然,出口到了.除了洞,在明亮的阳光下,大家都深深地吸了一口气.佳佳说:“我感到天空更加蓝了,树木更加绿了 读片段写成语越越说:"我听到鸟的鸣叫和游人们的喧嚷,觉得格外亲切,好像几年没有听见了似的."按照这个意思写一个接近的成语. 认真阅读大年初一的段落,用学过的成语填空大年初一这一天,街上的人________,各种各样的活动______________,整条街_________,让人_________.其他不会没关系,关键是“让人____.” 成语填空练习一()()()()二()()()()三() ()()()四 英语翻译雅思阅读中的两个句子不太会翻译,原文如下:After another half year,most children can say up to 8 or 10 words.At this age,chidren on average can understand 5 words for every one word they can say.主要是第二句不太 寻“冠”的同音字越多越好. 党同音字、崭同音字、呜同音字、咽同音字、疆同音字、港同音字、属同音字 和蔼的蔼,滕,抑,挫,轼的同音字和形近字 My father likes fishing ___my mother likes watching TV.A because B after C while D when 选什么? 这个数导数是什么?怎么算的? After dinner,we usually e watching TV in the sitting room.(首字母填空)After dinner,we usually e watching TV in the sitting room.(e ) EXCEL 分类筛选排序函数问题计划用EXCEL的函数功能处理以下表格:产品名称 业务员 销售数量 产品销售排行A 甲 10B 乙 8C 丙 50A 乙 80B 丙 48C 甲 23A 丙 45B 甲 39C 乙 96上述表格中,前三列为基础销 吉怎么组词