
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 13:18:39
以寓言故事题目命名的成语 as usual造句, 用as usual造句. 对下联 天空 彩虹 七色 红橙黄绿青蓝紫 轴承6003-2RS是怎么命名的?再麻烦得问一下怎么从这个型号看它的各种数据,需要查手册吗?不好意思啊?我新手?呵呵. 轴承里面的RS是什么意思? The little boy is _____ a big bag on his back.(yargcnri) 字母组单词 用所给单词的适当形式填空: The little boy should ( )(lie) on the ground. The little boy f_____ his father out .(根据首字母填空) what are the good and bad points 英语翻译请问"what do you think are the good points about living there?"这句话怎么翻译呀 what do you think are the good points about living in this city?how do you like it?why? 比较级前可以用a little修饰吗?比较级前可以用哪些词修饰(一定要常用的)? a little可以修饰什么词 a little可修饰_____,_____,_____,_____. what did you do every day?用不同形式提问 造10个说错了呵呵是what things do you do every day our classroom l____ tidy 根据首字母提示补全单词 英语翻译歌词如下 最好能逐句翻译Black dress,with the tights underneath,I've got the breath of the last cigarette on my teeth.And she's an actress,but she ain't got no need.She's got money from parents in a trust fund back east.Tongues,a She seem to have her hidden talents.怎么翻译? ()光满面 要填颜色的词语 请用恰当的叠词填空 ------的花香 ---的光 ----的彩虹 有光颜色的词语像:黄:金黄 杏黄 橙黄 鹅黄要:红 绿 蓝 铁与化合物反应变色铁与化合物在化学反应中通常发生颜色的变化,依照示例分别写出有关铁及其化合物有颜色变化的三个化学反应.示例:在Fe+H2SO4====FeSO4+H2↑反应中,溶液有无色变为浅绿色.1 什么东西遇到空气就变色? 讲解此篇完形填空:Hidden passengers traveling in ships,t讲解此篇完形填空:Hidden passengers traveling in ships,trains,or even cars can be a terrible trouble--especially when they are insects.As fir this,there is a great 1.____ betwe They came from passengers who had to share their seats with fat passengers的翻译 三价铁遇什么变成二价铁!氧化物! “zara basic”这个牌子的中文怎么说? 板厚为2.0mm的铝板,折弯系数是多少?比如说:铝板厚度为2mm ,打直角折弯后,长边到直角外缘为56mm,短边到直角外缘为13.5mm ,计算展开正确尺寸为66.29mm.但本人用笔算为展开为66mm 请问那0.29mm怎么 采用折弯工艺能折出这样尺寸的铝板吗?“z”字型,板厚1mm,上下高度为3mm……Z字型,也就是折两个90度,最上面与最下面距离3mm…… 圆弧铝板如何折弯RT请问从下好料 剪完角之后该怎么折弯呢 ,圆弧板 These are pretty girls.改成感叹句 懂法律的人帮个忙 我前段时间接手了个快递的分布店.经营10天,因为一些原因员工罢工.我找他们回来他们向我索要10天的工资.和高额的派件费,不然不送.我没答应,而后发现快递总部没承认我