
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 09:34:39
亲们,这两道填空题肿么写? 填空题咋写 It was a fine day yesterday fiIt was a fine day yesterday fine day 画线 对画线部分提问 The day was fine yesterday.当fine被划线时,该怎么提问?是以What开头还是用How?句型为:________ was the day like yesterday? It was fine yesterday.--I( ),and a lovely day for panic,wasn't it?a,so is it b,so it is c,so was it d.so it was Aunt Wang is not here now.She has ____ to Shanghai and will stay there for several months.Aunt Wang is not here now.She has ____ to Shanghai and will stay there for several months.A.got B.come C.been D.gonehas been to 和has gone to 的意思分别 hellen isn't here.if she_____ (be)here,she would konw what to do now She's here to teach us!翻译这句话 中文翻译成英文 摘要:我国目前的城市社会救助制度,由于受到救助制度自身因素,以及经济因素、社会文化因 2013英语四级作文跑题了最低能得几分 一篇word开头都没有空两格,怎么批量处理,使每段开头都空两格 商务英语与师范英语相比哪个更好各有什么优缺点 翻译成英文 伦敦是一个繁华但又沉淀着古老的城市 试卷题>3 填关联词:这部戏( )是时间和精力,( )是我演戏以来投入最多的. 五年级英语试卷,见下题:从六个选项中选出五个能填入空白处的最佳选项A.How much are they?B.Can I try them on,please?C.Hmm.Have you got any other kind?D.Size ten.E.A pair of biack shoes,please.F.What colour is it?__________ 到底是商务英语就业好还是师范英语就业好? 设x,y满足2x-y+2>=0,8x-y-4=0,y>=0,若目标函数z=abx+y(a>0,b>0)的最大值是8,则a+b的最小值我已经算出ab=4了 接下去该怎么办QAQ Millie often______her friends.(e-mail) 写出下列短语的英文1.玩的愉快2.上周3.新年4.母亲节5.儿童节 设x,y满足的约束条件为{2x-y+2>=0,8x-y-4=0,y>=0,若目标函数z=abx+y(a>0,b>0)的最大值为8,则a+b的最小值是 用英文怎么说? At home,I enjoy__on the phone_my friends.A.talking with B.telling of C.telling about D.talking on 反射,折射,衍射会使振幅减小吗? 解不等式,4X的平方+4X+1大于等于0 很头疼的数学题 Millie decided to go hiking.同义句Millie decided____ ____ ____hiking. 能不能教我怎样来解这样一个不等式?-1 Millie decided to go hiking(改为同义句) 教我怎么解这道不等式题!1如果不等式(a+2)x > a+2 的解集为x millie decided to go hiking.millie decided ______ ______ ______ hiking.(改同义句) 求解答,这个不等式如何解? 谁能帮忙写一份房地产的英文面试自我介绍英文的就好