
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:28:19
自然课上做的实验 she hurt (hurt) my feelings.i'sorry to hear that he has been seriously ( serious)ill为什么要用副词...还有那,'是什么的缩写吗.he is busy with the organizing (organize)of a new club.为什么是organizing...we chattered like two teenage You are a liar!Deceive my feelings Hurt my heart!Wu Yu-you! 求翻译.hurt my feelings 六(2)班开展向山区儿童捐书活动,第一小组捐书36本.第二小组捐的是第一小组的8/9,是第三组的4/5,六(2)班共向山区小朋友捐书多少本? You ought not to have hurt my feelings.什么意思 教育要因材施教, We l----- like each other very much and we like to help each other. so we miss each other very much的中文意思 根据句意填空.Ann and Joan are( 1 ) .They look( 2 ) each other very much.People often ( 3 ) that Ann is Joan or Joan is Ann, ( 4 ) it's to tell the difference.上面一句的t's和to之间还有一个空,第二句以下为准。People the,can,read,school,boys,picturebooks,at连词成句 nor do we write to each other very much中的do有什么作用是强调作用吗? l连词成句 class ,see,photo,my,school,in,can ,at,you,the 一辆车去某地,去时每小时行驶36千米,六分之五小时到达,回来时用了五分之四小时回来时平均每小时行几千米? I'm surprised to see you drink so ____.A.used to B.didn't use to C.weren't used to has在什么情况下用?the child 后面为什么是have? 当飞机空投救援物资时,为了能把物品准确投到受灾地区,应该怎样投掷,为什么 I think Tom can't play chess well?哪里错了? do you play chess well 甲乙两车同时分别从ab两地相向而行,甲走到全程3/7的地方与乙相遇.已知甲每小时行80km,乙走完全程 甲乙从AB两地同时相向出发,甲每小时行80KM,乙每小时行70KM,甲行全程2/5,乙离还有36KM,AB两地是多少? 9._____________ to hurt her feelings,he did not tell her the truth.A:Not to want B:Not wanting C:To want not D:Wanting not 英语语法高手请进:You will regret ___those words.You will hurt her feelingsYou will regret ___those words.You will hurt her say C.having said have said 甲乙两车分别从ab两地相向而行,甲车每小时行80km,乙车每小时行全程的10%,当甲车距离B地的路程与已行的路程之比是1:5时,乙车再行全程的八分之三到达A地,AB两地相距多少千米? 靠卵繁殖后代的动物叫什么?叫卵生. AB两地相距510千米,甲乙两车分别由两地相向而行,若两车同时出发,则5/1/10小时相遇;若乙车先出发2小时,则甲车出发后4小时相遇,求两车的速度 A、B两地相距510千米,甲乙两车分别由两地相向而行,两车同时出发,则5.1小时相遇;乙车先出发2小时,则甲车出发后4小时相遇,求两车速度(方程) AB两地相距510千米,甲乙两车由两地相向而行,若两车同时出发 则5.2小时相遇若乙车x先出发2小时,则甲车出发4小时后相遇,求两车的速度 孝敬父母.是中华民族的美德.嗯三字经中就有这样的描述,___,___孝于亲所当执 family是可数名词还是不可数名词?如果它是不可数名词,那为什么又in a happy hamily之说呢?I hope I can get the best of all.Thanks a lot for your help. Family是可数名词还是不可数名词?老师们说可数不可数都一样,都写family;我查一些书,书里说是可数名词,复数的话是families;而电脑上有人说可数,有人说不可数,到底是什么呢? family什么时候用可数什么时候不可数