
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:35:16
按要求改写下列各句,每空一词1.He has to study for the math's test.(改为疑问句)he to study for the math's test?2.Would you love to play basketball with us?(给出肯定答语)-Yes,l'd .3.Can you come to my party?(给出否定答语) 英语翻译1.吉姆打算明天下午去游泳 Jim___ ____ ___ ___tomorrow afternoon.2.张强是班上最高的男孩子.zhang qiang is ____ ____ ____ ____his class3.我们在读者中做了一项调查,这是我们所了解到的情况.we___ ___ __ 初二 英语 速度点撒、、、 请详细解答,谢谢! (19 18:59:6)对划线部分提问:There was a sports meeting last week(用NEXT WEEK改写句子)连词成句:never tianjin to the blacks been begore have 初二 英语 英语 速度 请详细解答,谢谢! (9 18:41:18)About _____ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.A. four fifth  B. four fifths   C. fourth fifths   D. fourth fifth 英语 英语 (9 18:37:15)______,Coca-Cola began to enter China's market.A.In 1970's     B.In 1970s   C.In the 1970s'     D.In the 1970s 英语 (18 15:4:15)1、Mother said,"It's time for lunch"              Mother said(   )(   )    (     & 初二 英语 速度 请详细解答,谢谢! (18 14:45:1)1、Mother said,"It's time for lunch"              Mother said(          &# 这倒题我做的对吗.如果不对.请帮我改一下. 这倒道题则么做 这倒题这么做 There __________tiny,hidden computers in your home that you don't realize.A.maybe B.may be C.mustn't D.can be 麻烦大家说下maybe和may be 有冇区别啊~ 这|倒|英|语|题|怎|么|做|完形填空DearSusan,I’m happy to hear from you!I▁▁ we can be good friends and you can often▁▁ me in English.The winter vacation is coming.Are you taking it in▁▁ countries?I’m visiting some countries i 这倒英语题He doesn't want ______ that he's going wayC.taht to be known D.it to be known这道题应该怎么考虑? 1.What will computers like in the future其中will computers likein有一个有错,是哪一个?怎么改2.The game was designed in 2001 and it was w_ by Agatha Brown.It was p_ by Mystery Games 帮忙做几倒题 英语的根据括号里的提示改写句子1/I sometimes help to my mother in the evening.(tonight)2/There are two schools in that small town.(next year)3/She comes back late.(in two days)4/She is a teacher.(soon)5/Li Ming is ten 24和40(只求最小公倍数) 18、24和40最小公倍数十分钟之内 24.20和36的最小公倍数 一道六年级简单的语文题1、学问学问,既要学有要问.只有----------,才能求得真知.(在横线上填上) 《真理诞生于一百个问号之后》中的 “偶然的机遇” 为什么要加引号 给一些人教版小学六年级上册语文练题 (1)联想的近义词是什么?(2)人们常用动物来形容某类人,你知道下列人是哪种动物吗?⒈立场不稳,见风使舵的人.( )龙⒉忘恩负义,恩将仇报的人.( )狼⒊蛮横无赖,独霸一方的人.( ) 小学六年级非常简单的语文问题照样子写词语地摇天晃 ( ) ( ) 小学六年级语文上册第19课只要讲了什么 六年级上册语文.19课一面导读的三个问题的答案啊!快点... 六年级上册语文词语手册第19课的词语,我丢了! 六年级上册语文词语手册19课的积少成多 六年级上册词语手册19课答案只见过一面的交情 ( )争执双方的一方所说的话 ( ) 只见过一面的缘分 ( 小学语文六年级上册19课词语手册快!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 六年级语文上册第19课中心思想是什么? 六年级上册语文13课主要内容 苏教版六年级语文上册第19课分段段意《钱学森》那一课,分成几个大段并说段意,然后针对课文提一个有价值的问题.马上.尽快.准确.