
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 10:40:28
At the party,a big birthday cake had 13 candles on it.At the party,()()13 candles on a big cake 刚才有人提问246..32制作四阶幻方吗那人把问题关闭了,但我会,希望你再提一次,或者你回答我的问题,我去找你 用2 4 6 8 .32制成四阶幻方急!悬赏超高:105分!!!!!! 幻方 32阶世界上最大的幻方有多少阶? 魔方魔方…………怎么处理 Chris Brown With You翻译 英语翻译no it don't come easyno it don't come fastlock me up inside your gardentake me to the real sidefire burning me updesire taking me so much higherand leaving me homethey you are in your black dressmoving slow to the sadnessi could watch you 矩阵A是m x n阶, B是n x s阶且是非零矩阵,若AB=0,则r(A)+r(B)与n是什么关系? A,B均是非零矩阵时呢? 英语翻译I 'm hearing what you say but I just can't make a sound :请问这句话翻译成中文是什么意思 求一首轻快的女生的英文歌 歌词里好像有what can I do to believe what I say “I can't believe what I'm hearing ”I thought to myself.Jeff was the last candidate(候选人)forpresident of Student Council .My best friend Tony come to me and said,“I'm sorry ,Mike.”I really thought you should be chosen."Later that day ,I h 求;给一些关键词,造句.{10个} What tree is in an important test in history class? 什么意思?翻译下.答案是Date But …i recognized i can,t what,s important.的翻译是什么 英语翻译 五个词为一组造句,用:思如涌泉,耸人听闻,翁中之鳖,雾里看花,悬崖勒马,瑕不掩瑜,偃旗息鼓,言简意赅,鱼目混珠,雨后春笋 以5个为一组为单位造两个句子 a king like you I like her.怎么译中文? hit fm88.5 女唱的,just like tonight ,tonight ,tonight ,tonight 是什么歌? 英语翻译What am I to you and what are you to me?Are we getting better or did we used to be?What of the song we used to sing?Where are the souls we used to carry in?What is a sail without hurricane?What is a hurt without someone to blame?Show me t care about what you have,please believe... You become exactly what you believe.求这句英文的中文翻译? 我现在平均还原魔方36秒左右,想换个魔方, 远动与力.至少四句话.同学们在一起讨论运动与力的关系.小明认为,一切物体只有受力才能保持匀速直线运动,不受力总是静止的;小华认为,一切物体只有受力才能保持静止,不受力总是做匀速 握手言欢——(    )——(    )——(    )人一己百——(    )——(    )——(    ) this的对应词是什么 this对应词Yy同音异词for同音异词have第三人称单数形式sun形容词 this的对应词注意:全写上来 海豚的英文怎么拼? 请把单词写在黑板上翻译成英文 黑板的英语单词是什么? 黑板的单词怎么说?(英语) I have bought a chicken ,some beef and some vegetables in case your friend _to lunch A should stay B should have stayed C have stayed D stay为什么选A