
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:24:14
at,the,cat,look,it,running,is(.)连词成句 The cat is running in the garden .用Where提问 关于越南、柬埔寨、泰国和老挝的个人旅游签证的问题今年暑假准备自助去东南亚的这几个国家,护照已经有了.行程这样安排:南宁-河内-岘港-芽庄-胡志明市-金边-暹粒-曼谷-清迈-琅勃拉邦- He usually goes to work by bike except when it rains.请翻译中文 翻译:目前我所需要做的就是好好学习 ___ ___ need to do now is to study hard.翻译:目前我所需要做的就是好好学习 ___ ___ need to do now is to study hard:就是因为王老师,我才喜欢上英语的,___ ___ because of Mr We just need to study hard 这句话的语法对吗 如何努力学会英语 感觉学不好 the cat is chasing the mice.(换种表达,句意不变) the cat is chasing a mouse now.改为同义 句 many a woman后接单数动词或复数?同上 “many a man” 这个看成复数还是单数、? Man and woman think and behave __________(不同地) in many ways. A policeman's job is ________ our city a safe place.(to make making) Police's work is ----(make)our city safe.空白处填making the police help to make our city a safe place __________do the police ____? 请问什么是 broad brush stroke 这是一个习惯用语吗,可否给几个例子啊. killing stroke stroke emboss是什么意思 19.At that time they were poor,and they went ( )a difficult time.A.in for B.along with C.do beat与strike有何区别? strike 和 struck的区别 strike与stick的区别 hit strike区别 老山界 品读点击 老山界阅读回答半夜里,忽然醒来才觉得寒气逼人,刺入肌骨,浑身打着颤.把毯子卷得更紧些,把身子蜷起来,还是睡不着.天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上缀着的宝石,它跟我们这样地接近哪!黑的山 课内阅读 老山界满天都是星光,火把也亮起来了.从山脚向上望,只见火把排成许多“之”字形,一直连到天上,跟星光接起来,分不出是火把还是星星.这真是我生平没见过的奇观.大家都知道这座 twice as much husband, half as much money怎么译? 英语翻译快 为什么基因是具有遗传效应的DNA片段,而不是核酸? my mother's work is–(make)our city safe正确形式填空 The police____helping to make our city a safe place to live and work_____.A、is……inB、are……inC、is……/D、are……/ 用所给单词的正确形式填空 My mother's work is( ) (make) our city safe.