
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:55:47
请大神写下这个函数在excel中的表示x请大家用a2表示,μ和σ都等于1,请大家写下在excel中这段函数怎么写 烟花易冷词谁写的 如何表示函数经过旋转某角度以后的新函数?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊参量法,一般法各举例谢谢 能表示的方法都举例好啦~~~ 烟花易冷和清明雨上的词哪个更好? 如何表示函数经过旋转某角度以后的新函数?参量法,一般法各举例谢谢 能表示的方法都举例好啦~ who are you---?my mother a.wait b.waiting c.waiting for d.wait for 怎样证明三角形三条高必交于一点 用数学式子来表示函数的方法叫做?() 填空函数的解析式为二次根式,自变量的取值应使被开方数() 填空 巍巍古寺在山林,不知寺内几多僧.三百六十四只碗,看着用尽不差争.三人共食一碗饭,四人共吃一碗羹.根据诗句中叙述,寺中有多少僧人? in front of the dining hall is the sports hall and the building is front of that is for science.翻译 句型转换:I sometimes write to my mother in the evening.(tonight) I am going to write to my mother tonight.这句话对吗?tonight 前面用加介词吗? 句型转换:1.I sometimes write to my mother in the evening.(tonight)2.He went there by play.(some day next year) I sometimes write to my mother in the evening.(tonight)11 my wife is ____dinner in the kitchen and I'm________dinner in the dinning room.这两空只可填preparing或preparing for ,怎么填? 那位CF穿越火线大神帮小弟做做这几道题?跪谢1.m4a1-s打身体(有ac)扣___点血2.ak-47狼牙有___颗子弹(一个弹夹)3.烟雾头调成___赫兹效果最好4.___(填近身武器)能够轻击爆头(有防弹头盔)5 证明三角形的三个高是相交于一点能否用纯几何方法 如何用反证法证明三角形的三条高相交于一点? 数列11,13,15,…2n-1的项数是多少? 数列11,13,15,2n+1的项数是 什么叫做文化议论文 姥姥的剪纸中“兔子总是在玩耍,老牛总是在干活儿.”两个总是让我懂得了什么?拉车的老牛,耕地的老牛续写 (例:的老牛 只能是正在干活的老牛 不能写 干活的老牛) 快 从那时候起,我总是缠着姥姥剪兔子和老牛——蹦跳的兔子,奔跑的兔子,睡觉的兔子;拉车的老牛,耕地的老牛……兔子总是在玩耍,老牛总是在干活儿.我摆弄着各式各样的窗花,对活泼的兔子与 等差数列{an},若前4项和为25,后4项和为63,前n项和为286,求项数n 用livng room起居室 ,kitchen厨房,bathroom浴室,bedroom卧室写英语作文写一个介绍自己家里的布置 It was Sunday afternoon.I decided to clean up the room nicely so that my parents would feel 16when they returned from a long ride!Then,I sat in the room,having nothing to do.What else could I do?Then,with no reason,I suddenly 17 the pale face of that must i clean the room nowno,you___mustn'tneedn't 英语阅读理解来大神帮我 The visitors asked me if this is ________dining room.A.the students' B.students' C.student' D.the student's 英语阅读理解,有理由充分的最好,小弟在此跪谢!Some kind of planning is important.For one thing it shows whether you really have enough to say on the topic while there is still time to change to another topic.It is also important beca .I’m sorry I can’t go fishing with you.I have a pain my right arm.A.in B.on C.with C.of选A ,为什么? 根号2乘以根号24是多少