
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:18:15
I will come back as _____ as I can (soon,quickly,fast) I will come back as _____ as I can (soon,quickly,fast) 为什么? I will come back as soon as I [possibly] can .为什麼用possible 的副词?而不用形容词?他修饰的是那个次.改成陈述句怎麼弄的 该怎样培养小孩?望子成龙.望女成凤啊! 如何对幼儿进行养成教育 我的小孩是“龙凤胎”,三岁就送进幼儿园,现在5岁半,在读学前班,下半年就上一年级了.她们都活泼好动,儿子学的还可以,老师教的回家我再问他他都能回答上来,最头疼的是女儿,上课思想不集 如何培养快乐的幼儿我不是个容易快乐妈妈,但是很希望有个快乐的儿. “电话回访”的英文怎么说 回访的英语 A beautiful girl with long hair的另外的表达方法多举几种,老师说至少有两种...快的赏分 英语翻译专辑是A New Chapter,求hatever It Takes这首歌的歌词中中文歌词翻译. I to you heart and soul翻译成汉语什么意思 I put my heart and soul to photography 翻译成汉语 做梦梦到不认识的死尸是什么意思 告诫自己不要去计较太多 却一直隐忍着那份深至骨髓的依赖,我选择死在当初 如今又是怎样.翻译成英文 英语翻译译,我们都是按点裁分的 whatever you do do with your might 什么意思?求解答 英译汉:All that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right.All that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right.谢谢啊! ALL that you do,do with your might;things done by halves are never done right 英语翻译帮我翻译一下 快来踩我的空间用英文怎么说 去某人的博客“踩踩”,英语?a visit,take a look,have a look,flow away飘过偶怎么觉得不是很地道呢? 英语翻译7、 预算费用仅供参考,结算时以实际维修费用为淮8、 贵重物品自行保管,如有遗失本店恕不负责9、 是否洗车10、 接待签字11、 客户签字12、 合计13、 其他合计14、 预算费用15、 “还要列一张购物清单”的英语怎么写? 谁可以把"火"字加个边旁组词(至少3个) PRC英语单词是什么意思NBA LT VLP每个英语单词是什么意思 PRC的英文全称是什么 请问英文中的PRC代表什么? PRC表示什么? Helping students with their studies is pattern of the teachers' work .这里为什么不用help? Quite a number of students think that they will go to universities____with their hard work.A.sometime B.some time C.sometimes D.some times The students also thanked their teachers for their hard