
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 19:10:53
To be a basketball palyer like him is my dream.改为同义句——(两个单词)my dream to be a basketball player like him 改为这样的同义句 may问,什么答好象是must那 must 什么答 Joe____________(特地)to buy a birthday cake for me yesterday. 夏洛的网主要人物 《夏洛的网》人物都有谁? Ben should( wear warm clothes).括号部分提问 ( ) ( ) Ben ( Nick was _____ late for work today.1)a couple of2)much3)a little4)a few请告知准确答案 在德语里什么是动词? --Don't be disappointed.Have another go,OK?--_____.为什么不填No problem 而填 Good idea喃? 请问One sofa cushion looks much like another unless you have something to go Her mother says,"___go to another shop to have a look."A.we are B.let us.Mum___it is too expensive and she doesn't have so__money.1.Atells Bspeaks C.says D.tells.2.A.many B.much C.few D.little 说明理由 补全英语单词:一、afr.d 二、 .ha.k 注:.处为空格,需要补全.另外加上汉语意思 advice 有复数么. Volleyball is often played when the weather is fine 什么句式OK? July is the month < > is usually the hottest.A,whose weather.B,when the wheather 为什么答案不选A.我知道B对着,但是我不明白这个月的天气 为什么不属于所属关系。 英语习题不会,求助ING,谢谢O(∩_∩)O哈!英语1. We often have ( ) supper at home. A. us B. ours C. our 2. John is ( ) experienced at training than Mary is. A. more B. worse C. much 3. A: ( )is Davi 认识论上两条根本对立的认识路线是() 求“卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,高尚是高尚者的墓志铭”的全诗 What clour ------your shoes?在此题中,your shoes 是句子的主语,是复数名词,所以填 are.如果变成What clour ------this pair OF shoes?这句中 this pair OF shoes 表示一双鞋,把它看成一个整体,表单数,用is. Professor White has written some short stories,but he is known for his plays. His uncle has written some short stories ,but he is ___ famous for his play.A the best B more C better D the most 选择:Don't help him___clothes,he is old enough to ____ himself.A.dress,dress B.wear,wear C.dress,wear D.wear,dress 川子为什么写今生缘 歌手川子的今生缘写的是什么意思 川子今生缘中写的人是谁,他们之间真实的故事是什么? 哲学上根本对立的世界观是答案却没选可知论和不可知论, 晶振咋用我从坏电表上拆下一个晶振(好的),上面印着 3.579545 问一下各位它可以怎么用,有什么特点.答好了奖20(本来想给70) (前生注定今生缘)代表什么意思 哲学以世界观为内容,世界观以哲学为最高表现.这句话正确么?Rt his uncle has written some short stories .but he is ____famous for ihs plays A.more B.Better C.The 他长大后想成为一名篮球运动员 He wants(………)(………)a basketball(………他长大后想成为一名篮球运动员He wants(………)(………)a basketball(…………)when he (………)(………). These books are 是yours还是your 是Mary ’ book还是Mary ’