
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:37:22
The watermelon is divided in half.The watermelon is divided in halves.有何区别? which season is the wettest? 为什么藏族同胞上衣只穿一只袖子呢? 介词+which是不是在任何情况下都=where举例 watermelon是什么意思中文,谁第一回答先给谁哦! watermelon 的中文意思是什么? watermelon中文意思? Who is of the oldest or eldest of you three?oldest or eldest?why? 意思是不共戴天的敌人的成语是什么?/该成语为你( )我( ) 形容见到不共戴天仇人的样子的词语眼神、动作、语言 “不共戴天”是什么意思 Did he say he will leave tomorrow?这句话对吗?will需要改成would吗? 不共戴天形容什么? Leaving one's job, no matter what job it is .这句话中最后为什么加it is he was heard singing=he was heard to sing?dictionary tells us like this,I don't know why the movie is rather _____.No one likes to see it.(怎么填哦?)用boring exciting interesting busy difficult fun dangerous 填空, a woman with three boys 后面跟are还是is 请问有从central station直达悉尼机场的火车吗,价格多少,还有多少时间可以坐到. ----is everyone here now?-----yes,we ( )all are here B all here are C are all here D are here all 请问选哪一个?具体提点, 悉尼中央火车站 CENTRAL STATION怎么样 frankfurt.啥意思 I have got a stomachache.=____ ____ ____ ____ with my stomache. 在问句中有have,那get写是什么? any other和阿any的区别any other 后面加什么啊;any后面又是加名词的什么形式啊 Someone _______(shout)at the poor old man at eight yesterday evening Have you been to the cinema?- yes,I have.I_____there an hour ago. l have a stomachache翻译成中文. 仿照例句,把下列句子补充完整.例:书很旧很旧,封面已看不出颜色,还用透明胶带粘补过.1.鲁滨逊意志坚强,_______________________.2.《鲁滨逊漂流记》这本书很好看,____________________________. any one ,any other,and any others,any else这里是上面单词的意思和分辨,用在什么地方! any other和any else有什么用法 查看邮件英文怎么说如题(抱歉手机发的不太方便) 你有他的电子邮件地址吗?这句话的英文.