
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:51:49
what are Lucy and Mary doing they are busy______their homework.a.to do b.do c.on d.with快. Are you busy ___ your homework (选择) A.on B.in C.with D.for What are you busy with these days / recently?中文意思请问哪位高手知道这句话是什么意思啊 What are you busy with,Simon?简单的单项选,要告诉我为什什么选这个-What are you busy with,Simon?-I am busy packing _____ miss the flight A.not to B.in order that C.in order to D.so as toLucy ,you are so early today!____ the first bus,I 一场足球赛,凌晨1时20分结束,赛时90分钟,中场休息15分钟,上下半场各补时3分钟.你知道球赛几时几分开始的吗?请把算式写出来 初级中学物理:戴上眼镜后看到的是虚像, tom with his mother goes to park.可以改为 tom goes to park with his mother "He goes to the park ,with classmates"这句话对吗?请注意里面有个逗号. 首字母填空Mr Brown (o) goes to the park with his family on sundays.they(u) have a big dinner.mrs Brown likes (v)while her husband loves (m).they have a good time.(.)里填什么? 完形填空:It’s Saturday today.Bob w______ to go the park with his friends.But he gets up l_____It’s Saturday today.Bob w______ to go the park withhis friends.But he gets up l______.He p______ on his clothes quickly andd______ have breakfast. He goes to the park on his bike的同义句 He ( )his bike ( ) to the park 这朵花很少见、叫什么花. 三分之二比a等于四点八比六怎么解 8角6分什么意思 什么叫差分方程?给我举几个例子呗 给我举几个国学热的例子呗. 繁星春水提纲怎么写呢?是其中几节的.举个例子呗 函数可导是什么概念,举个例子呗 求教一道高数题,求极限,为了补考,大家帮帮忙 枪可以由刚组成吗?就是其他零件都不用,就只用钢 结构最简单的枪是什么枪 这是什么植物?开的花是红色的小小的一朵. 请问这朵花是什么花? 2011朵花,按照5朵红花9朵黄花13朵绿花的顺序排列,排列最后一朵是什么花?这2011朵花中,红黄绿各多少朵 小红有16朵花,小明有8朵花,小红给小明几朵花后两人的花一样多? 赞颂祖国的诗歌 要短一点的 最多三个大段吧 办手抄报 急用啊 二保焊枪的构造 有关枪的构造和子弹初射后的运动情况(有关物理的) 三年级的孩子怎么教好? 小明做两位数乘两位数用三年级的方法做 赞美母校的句子 感谢或赞美母校的句子