
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 16:24:04
KNOW是延续性动词还是瞬间性动词 know是不是瞬间动词?讲明原因know v.有没有专业点的老师啊? Verse 和poem的区别在哪里? 左上角的是什么旗? 买了一艘美国军舰模型,除了国旗以外,还有一个旗子,图案全是星条旗星星部分,这是什么旗 study的ing形式和第三人称单数形式. study动词ing形式? The man who I served was wearing a hat.这是一个定语从句,请问定语从句有什么句序公式吗?如:词组/pron/名词+先行词(which/that /who/whom.)+从句?从句有什么句序吗? the man who is standing the counter served me 这句话的关系代词可以省略吗书上说可以省略为the man standing the counter served me 要怎么分析语法呢. He says he is the man who bought these books是不是定语从句?这句话是定语从句还是谓语从句?如果您知道的话请告诉我.. know,know of,know about三者的区别是 美国的国旗上的图案代表什么?就是图案的含义! 美国的国旗是什么样它的代表动物是什么 Here are some 求翻译,不要谷歌,必应,有道,百度等机器翻译For me, moving and staying at home, traveling and arriving, are all of a piece. The world is full of homes in which I have lived for a day, a month, a year, or, much longer. How much I care ab This is the man_.A.I referred to B.who I referred to C.whom I referred to D Does she read books every day?改为复数句是什么 this is the man I nodded to.这个句子是完整的吗? 求一篇作文:Write an article called"Do you have a cold?"Write about what you should and should not作文不要写得太复杂 60个单词左右+中文翻译 感冒了应该做什么,不应该做什么。再加个结尾,自由发挥 中文 Mr Wang is the —— of the book about the Moon.(write)根据句意,用括号里所给单词的适当形式,完成句子. 三篇英语作文,要有现在时,过去式 定语从句问题,有句话是the man whom i spoke to is a teacher. 可不可以这么写:the man to whom i spoke is a teacher?为什么? 英语试卷(关于美国)那种国旗啊,国花啦什么的一定要英语 英语翻译人走池底,仰视莲花反在天上,以空奇,怎么看到的? 于园 张岱 以实奇中的以是什么意思 如图所示,地球赤道上的山丘e,近地资源卫星p和同步通信卫星q均在赤道平面上绕地心做匀速圆周运动.设e、p、q做圆周运动的速率分别为v1、v2、v3,向心加速度大小分别为a1、a2、a3,则( ) A.v1 Some people enjoy reading detective stories,but ____ prefer reading comic books.A.another B.the other C.others D.the others选哪个,能具体说说吗. he likes reading stories(改为否定句) his father likes reading stories.对reading sthis father likes reading stories.对reading stories提问 He likes reading books.对reading books如何划线提问 这个英文课文怎么写?经历了小学6年的学习生活,你升入了初中,刚踏入中学校门的你对新学校新老师新同学一种有一种新奇感吧 假如你是Kangkang ,你要向大家介绍自己,请以此为话题写一篇短文 can someone help me write a poem start with " In highschool,I dream I will become."this is very urgent.can someone please help.thank you so much .