
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:15:56
抒情音乐的英文翻译是什么 It can talk.怎么改为否定句 it s really run.改为否定句的正确答案 The tiger can run.(改否定句).Look at the animals.(改否定句)We call it a jiey.(改否定句).She likes swimming.(改否定句)I want a recorder.(改否定句).There are some child in the room(改否定句).I'm good at dancing..(改否定句)Th because of you I never stray too far from the side walk!because of you I play on the safe side so I don't get hurt! monopoly 用泰国语和印尼语怎么说? monopoly 造句 Monopoly怎么读 All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. And give reasons.对话形式,时间3分钟左右 anything special什么意思 competition是什么意思 ----Morning!Is there anything special in your mind?----Yes.Here is the Lipton tea.Where can----Morning!Is there anything special in your mind?----Yes.Here is the Lipton tea.Where can I find coffee?----OK.That ____also be on the shelf,across from the 请问经济学中monopolistic和monopoly有什么不同?monopolistic是monopoly的形容词按理说应该是一个意思啊为什么monopoly和oligopoly接近而monopolistic和perfect competetion接近 国外学经济的进,关于perfect competition and monopolistic competition(A)What are the main difference between perfect competition and monopolistic competition market structures?(B)Compare and contrast over the long-run if subnormal profits are Chris took great _____ in teasing his sister. My sister took these phones on the Great wall.(改被动语态)These photos _____ _____ on the Great Wall by my sister. Philippe took his first ___C_with great care .A act(什么意思) Blanding C step D trip the teacher took great__ to make his lessons easy and interesting.A efforts B steps C measures D pains这道题选哪个,他们之间怎么区分?谢谢了各位! 踢字怎么组词 踢可以组什么词 踢怎么组词 翻译成英文,并使用一定的定语从句 英语作文:我的一份特殊回忆.参考内容1:what was the special memory for you.2:what happened?3:why was it special for you They are in danger 同义句 they are______ ______ are in great danger 求解释和语法知识 是they are be in danger还是they are be in dangers they are in___danger there 踢组词! 踢能组什么词 Genius without education is like silver in the mine是谁说的 genuius without education is like silver in the mine这是谁说的这是美国那位科学家说的? What is most important?此句中的most前不用加the吗?如果是What is the important thing?这时候就要加the了吧?