
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 14:23:54
He always does his best to do angthing.同意句He always____his best to do anything. Mike does his best,he always works as hard as he can at school. 改为同义句Mike does his best ,he always works as____as____at school. does he spend an hour running to school every morning run为什么加ing He is on his school running team and has always wanted to be a professional athlete.alwanys可以用于现在完成时吗?类似于这样的句子,还举几个例子好吗,我不怎么懂! 下列关于熟石灰的用途,说法错误的是?A 作建筑材料B 改良酸性土壤C 制作农药波尔多液D 治疗钙缺乏症为什么 Tom has not made up his mind to accept the task.A Neither have I B Neither i haveB为什么不对啊 Mike ____ (not like) running.I ___(not have) a computer.Tom ___(not have) a red pen.怎么填?Help me!把因为所以说清楚,please. 写出下题命题的题设与结论,并用举反例的方法说明下面这个题目是假命题:如果ab 举出反例说明 如果AB=BC,那么点B是AB的中点 是个假命题 举反列说明命题是假命题:如果ab>0,那么a>0,b>0,反例:() 我要翻译 我要翻译谢谢! 英语翻译 英语翻译 第1.题回答必采纳 数字第1,2,3,4,5,题, I want to put a(n)_____ in the newspaper to sell my house.A.orderB.signC.e-mailD.advertisement 若a>0,b>0则ab>0的否命题是真是假可是 它的逆命题是 假命题吧 那么逆命题和否命题真假性是一致的 否命题照理是假的啊? He put an___(advertise) in the local newspaper to sell his house.顺便翻译哦, So ____ that no one could catch up with him.A.did he run quickly B.he ran quickly C.quickly did If you want to sell your you must ----it. Aadvertise B advertise for Cadvertise on D advertise to求答案 翻译:He ran so quickly that I could not catch him. 已知函数y=sin2x+sin2x+3cos2x,求1、函数的最小值及此时的x的集合;2、求函数的单调减区间 跑步比赛怎么说run race 还是 running race He___so quickly that he could win the race.A.raHe___so quickly that he could win the race.A.ran B.is running C.has run D.will run答案是哪个为神马? 举一反例说明,命题当ab≠0时,若a>b,则1/a<1/b为假命题,则a=,b= 1.时间从六点到六点半,时针转动的角是多少度?2.要使125×□0的积末尾有两个零,□最小是,最大呢? 由7:30到8:50时针转过多少度由;由6点到8:40时针转过多少度 时间从三点到三点四十分,时针和分针各转了多少度RT、 从下午③时到六时四十分时针转动多少度 对角矩阵的定义?元素均为0的2行2列的矩阵可以称为对焦矩阵吗?[0 0] 0 0 要同步的,最好是老师们发的...-.-