
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:57:07
圆台的两底面半径分别为5和10,高8,有一个过圆台两母线的截面,且上下底面中心到截面与两底面交线的距离分别为3,6求截面面积 she is wearing a silk ____today.填suit 还是dress ,为什么 英语翻译把里面的翻译了。 They have P.E.every Tuesday afternoon.They have P.E._____ Tuesday _______.同义句 They have math on Tuesday moring(对 on Tuesday moring提问)____ ____ they have math? 英语词组多义造成的歧义写论文用的,是词组啊.写的是歧义造成的幽默.Ambiguous Phrase Leading to Humor She is in The girl is my sister.She is in redThe girl()()is my sister 合为一句 Her f___ color is red,but now she is in ayellow T-shirt.___里填什么 She ( ) a blue t-shirt on school days 1,is in 2,She ( ) a blue t-shirt on school days1,is in 2,dresses 3,is on 4,is wearing 已知圆台的高为12,母线长为13,两底面半径之比为8:3,试求此圆台体积 圆台的上、下底面半径和高的比为1:4:4,母线长为10,则圆台的体积为? 什么是“多义短语”?是大学现代汉语中一个名词解释,书中没有很好的解释,固有疑问 Do they have a TV?(改成陈述句) They have ,对内的部分进行提问. they can have picnics in spring.补问句 甲乙均骑摩托车去某地开始时 甲在乙后面30千米 乙每小时骑50千米 甲每小时骑50千米两人同时出发 经过多少时间甲赶上乙写错了,是甲每小时骑70千米 圆台一个底面半径是另一个底面半径地倍,而侧面积等于连两底面积的和轴截面的面积是36,求圆台的体积. 《伊索寓言》在艺术上的特点是什么? 两个好友送的小花篮,改1个字,两个指好友 下面的短语存在着歧视,按要求作适当的改正,使意思表达更明确.下面的短语存在着歧视,按要?下面的短语存在着歧视,按要求作适当的改正,使意思表达更明确.两个好友送的小花篮.1.“两个” 要制造一个底面为正方形,容积为0.8m³的长方体容器,且长方体的高为1.2米,求长方体的底面边长. 已知一个底面为正方形的长方体容器,若下底面和四个侧面的面积和27,则当容器的容积最大时,底面边长的...已知一个底面为正方形的长方体容器,若下底面和四个侧面的面积和27,则当容器的容 They have green beans and tofu for dinner.问句是什么 They have roast beef for dinner.(就红色部份用What回答) 英语句子帮我修改下I want to study for a international business,because China is now the second largest trading nation in the world,economic globalization has,as far as I know the United States is the world financial center,practice more,so I 修改英语句子我收集了一些关于流行节目超级女生或快乐男生的来自许多学生的建议I collected some suggestions from many students about Super Girls or Happy Boys in popular show亲们看看这个句子写的对不对? 修改英语句子,I am waiting for Tom to go to schoolThe cat is so lovely that I want touch itIt such a beautiful cat that I want to feed it You should to compear tow products before you buy itI want to buy it at the lowest priceI want to buy it wi 夜空可以用哪些词来形容2字4字的都行 形容夜空的四字词语 修改英语句子,On the one hand,it can make students get closer to the society.Be open to the tourists,it may benefit to cultural communication among people in different languages and countries. 用什么词形容夜空谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 关于夜空景色的词语