
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:29:38
She doesn't know ___?A.what she can do B.where should she go C.whose book is this D.why is he late She doesn't know what to do and where ____(meet) 英式音标里的前元音,后元音,中元音分别是哪些 音标中的前元音,中元音和后元音都是什么? 你是一只小笨猪 翻译成英语怎么说 When you know why you like someone,it's a crush.When you have no reason or explanation,it's love翻译为中文, 带有批评感情的成语 when _____again?I don't know.but when she_____,I'll let you know.A.she comes,comes B.will she come,will comeC .she comes,will come D .will she come,comes为什么? You will never learn to be satisfied 精英是英文怎么写 I learn seriously that you will never be replaced发满翻译一下 精英英文怎么说 you will never learn it and waste the efforts you already out into.这句话 错还是对, 精英英文单词怎么写 do anything bad,____you will learn your lesson.Never do anything bad,____you will learn your lesson.A.and B.or C.so D.but整句句子怎么解释? 求英语精英高手回答!请看下面这句英语,If it is on my personal behalf,I wish sb.will bacame the world's richest people.对应的中文是:假如以我个人的名义,我希望某人将成为世界首富. 的阅读理解文章有点长 有没有英语好的进来 答完第一时间给好评 我来自山东泰山用英语怎么说啊 "是要当一辈子的懦夫 还是要当英雄 哪怕只有几分钟 你需要的不仅仅是勇气 来自心底的革命呐喊 只为惊醒少数人” 用英文怎么说,求无语法错误,无错词,简洁点啊, Time will pass me by是什么意思?RT time pass by 与 time go by 有什么区别? Trying times will Smile a few time, nothing can't pass it.什么意思没什么!一定要帮帮我 Never mind trying times will pass. 灯的知识 有关“灯”的知识 关于灯的知识 谁能给点灯泡的知识节能灯 白炽灯 普通灯 等等 Little Tom lives s_____ near our schoool .怎麽做? Tom lives near his school.(改为同义句) Tom's home___ ___ ___his school. 补全单词1:Tom lives s___ near our village 2:English Coaching Paper is popular with(受欢迎)r___.懂的人请帮忙忙顺便说一下单词的意思,急用 6年级上数学课堂作业本56页第二题怎么写题目是一种报纸,如果一个月一订,没有优惠,每份需10元;如果一年一订,可以打九折。订阅一份这种报纸,一年一订地一月一订节省多少元钱