
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:38:21
请问这句怎么翻译?Dad.Is it cold there around you 麻烦翻译下there is nothing so very remarkable in that;nor did Alice think it so very strange to hear the rabbit say to itself,"oh dear ,oh dear,i shall be late!"爱丽丝梦游仙境中的句子 this morning,she is going to the shops.这句话go为什么加ing?是因为is是动词所以后面是动名词,还是是现在进行时?反正可以确定不是一般将来时就对了.最近学了好几种时态,有些搞晕了.请专业的进来, They live a happy life today变成感叹句 people there live a sad lifePeople there live a sad life.(那里的人生活凄惨.)这句中there是做同位语吗? Tom coughs badly和 They live such a happy life today改成感叹句大哥,大姐们6.He is good at singing.→ _____ _____ ______ _______!7.He was doing so well in dancing.→ _____ ______ _____ ______he was!8.Tom coughs badly.→ _____ _____ _____ Today many old people live a( ).We should care for them. my the family is of this photo .连词成句 How can people live a full life? Jin Fang's,a,is,family this of photo连词成句 连词成句,注意正确使用标点符号和大小写.1.family/of/is/photo/my/a/this 2.is/too/teacher/a/she连词成句,注意正确使用标点符号和大小写.1.family/of/is/photo/my/a/this 2.is/too/teacher/a/she3.they/are/who4.Mini/name/its/is she takes her dog for a walk every day(改成同义句) chicago manual of style怎么写 CHICAGO是什么?说好点! 芝加哥 CHICAGO怎么样 Chicago在哪个国家? one stop about from here away the kilomenter is 连词成句 this is a picture of my room.(对a picture of my room提问) 连词成句:要翻译!注意大小写哦!this a picture is room my of 急求英语服装,颜色,食物,文具等单词(至少10个) This is a picture of my room.对picture of my room提问 this is a picture of my room.(对a picture of my room部分提问)大神们帮帮忙 食物的英文单词要短的越多越好 连词成句:1.my this picture room is a of 2.like room do my you 3.where closet my is new 再加一个:see what bed over the can you 英语翻译When the first baby laughed for the first time,its laugh broke into a thousand pieces,and they all went skipping about,and that was the beginningof fairies."."You see children know such a lot now,they soon don't believe in fairies,and eve 青辣椒放一段时间之后变成红色,还可以吃吗 She is visiting Italy for the first time同义句 家里的青椒放置一段时间后,为什么会变成红色? 梭子蟹买来放在水里一段时间就死了,水的颜色也变红了是怎么回事,这样还能吃吗已经吃了. How far is the factory from here?It's about 4 kilometres__________.填什么?原因?How much How long How many 分别怎么回答? 英语翻译preserving the dignity and personhood of patients through the assaults of the technology,anonymity and objectification of care often denying the identity of the patient as a person within a family and community with a life story. 英语翻译