
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:58:11
英语词缀有哪些词缀像加ing er ee的词语有哪些词缀有哪些 英语翻译但愿有人帮翻译下(最好字面一点).. Shopping for clothes is not the same for men as it is for my clock doesn't work 英语用什么提问 英语翻译 What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory? 英语翻译 你有漫画书吗?翻译 英语翻译yesterday i climbed a mountain with my cousin tom.tom is 13 years old .he is one year older than i.we took some food and drinks with us .and tom took his camera,too.on the mountain,we took a lot of pictures of the beautiful scenery.when w 澳大利亚大陆所在的板块名称是什么呢 stand to make a circle的英语读法 circle怎么读? QUALITY CONTROL Circle的读法,最好标上音标!或是用同音的中文进行标示! She had said what it was necessary to say.she had said what was necessary to say.第二句话是否有错误?以及两句话的区别. it is _____for a child to read.A.too difficult book B rather a difficult book C.quite a difficult book D too difficult a book 一个四口之家,由丈夫,妻子,女儿和儿子组成,他们的年龄之和为73岁,丈夫比妻子大3岁,女儿比儿子大2岁,四年前这个家庭成员的年龄之和为58岁,请问这个家庭的每个成员现在各是多少岁? 是儿童节用 it is children还是is children 丈夫死以后妻子 儿子 女儿谁是第一继承人 一个4口之家,由丈夫妻子女儿儿子组成他们的年龄之和为73,丈夫比妻子大3岁,女儿比儿子大2岁4年前这个家一个4口之家,由丈夫妻子女儿儿子组成他们的年龄之和为73,丈夫比妻子大3岁,女儿比儿 澳大利亚的面积澳大利亚的国土面积为770万平方公里 英语翻译u can use the translator or speak in simple words? 内部会计监督制度 翻译成英文怎么说 我认为这些是保持健康的好办法 翻译成英文,怎么说? “我们国家规定每户人家只能有一个小孩”翻译成英文怎么说? 奥大利亚的面积 澳大利亚的陆地面积有多大? 练词成句 happen what there they see would to stayed I stayed there ____what would happen A.to see B.see C.seeing D.saw Video的复数形式 一家四口,他们的年龄之和是73,丈夫比妻子大3岁.女儿比儿子大2岁.4年前这个家庭年龄和是58为什么减16? you will not love me anylonger ,is it right? you will not love me right 什么意思?