
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:00:07
【西班牙语】Si aclara el día Manuela se da un chapuzón.这句话怎么翻译 为什么说“乱世出英雄”? 关于乱世出英雄假若唐朝没有安史之乱,还会不会涌现出郭子仪 、 李光弼 、 张巡 这些军事家? 请问为什么总是乱世出英雄? 续写爱我中华爱我中华后面编写 志灵的英文名怎写? 模仿苏教版六年级上册第一课写一篇诗歌.要开头和结尾哦 你爱中国吗? welcome To My World中文是什么意思 英语翻译Do you ever feel like breaking down?Do you ever feel out of place?Like somehow you just don't belong and no one understands youDo you ever wanna run away?Do you lock yourself in your room with the radio on turned up so loud so that no one 张根硕welcome to my world中文歌词好心人帮个忙咯,我是个鳗鱼 Welcome to my world,you won't be dissapointed 强者欺负弱者,强者往往非正义,比如日本侵略中国,如按因果报应的观点,这是中国过去曾侵略日本的报应吗可以这样理解的话,就是弱者才是过去罪恶的一方.这样理解社会不就混乱了?那人们的 My brother has ______ storybooks A.twenty B.twentieth C.the twelve D.twenty-first 临汾市第一小学的英文翻译 July the_____(three)is my bother's ____(twelve)birthday. 7课展开想象(40年后的美穗子)来到中国续写jijijijijjjjjjjjijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj you want to know what time the film start this eening,what do you say? what movie starts next month?为什么不是what movie will Start next month? 孔子主要思想,及其对当时社会的影响和作用, the subject we have at school englishthe subjects we have at school ----English.A.including B.included C.includes D.include i have made rapid in English well这句话中的rapid对吗? My favourite subject is English and I am g_____ at it.I have four English lassons w_____. Welcome Back- Rumer中文歌词翻译 "Do your homework carefull!'' the teacher said to us.改为间接引语呵呵 将"write your names on your papers first ,"the teacher said to as 改为间接引语 英语翻译晋平公好乐,多其赋敛,下治城郭,曰:“敢有谏者死.”国人忧之,有咎犯者,见门大夫曰:“臣闻主君好乐,故以乐见.”门大夫入言曰:“晋人咎犯也,欲以乐见.”平公曰:“内之.”止 为什么思想品德又叫政治?我看香港的都是说一些治国之道,怎么中国的政治好像说大道理,什么身心健康什么的 为什么思想品德课又叫政治课 这个音标怎么读,语音 3:这个音标怎么读,发语音, 英语翻译赵简子举兵而攻齐,令军中有敢谏者罪至死,被甲之士,名曰公卢,望见简子大笑;简子曰:“子何笑?”对曰:“臣有夙笑.”简子曰:“有以解之则可,无以解之则死.”对曰:“当桑之