
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:30:55
what与which区别在从句中 what与which的区别是什么? What do the rich need and the poor have the rich don‘t understand the difficult life the poor havethe rich 指一类人,谓语用复数,谓语是understand吗?为什么没有用复数?还是谓语是have? Do the rich have any privilege over the poor?It is not an unique case that the rich want to show their privileges in public,for example ,they dare to drive a BMW at very high speed in cities'downtown area and escape the law's punishment in case they 风在吼马在啸黄河在咆哮出自哪首歌?人教版小学四年级上册语文基础训练p24.2. "风在吼马在叫黄河在咆哮黄河在咆哮"有何作用 怎么去看待“城府”这个词语,应该怎么去理解 风在吼,马在叫,黄河在咆哮,黄河在咆哮,是一段景物的描写,作用是?具体一点,烘托了什么 渲染了什么气氛? the town is fast increasing in population,这里的 in population可数还不可数 The population __ fast in India and China now.A.increase B.is increasing C.increased 请说明为什 Y.Feel happy when,not happiness Let other people feel happy happy crow I feel good _______helping other people是at,with ,of,about中的一个 照样子 例:袖手旁观一(冷漠) 一手遮天一() 手不释卷一() 奋不顾身一() 妙手回春一() Lonely,Life in Two Worlds.Tired,used,too You too were comfortable什么意思 i think the increasing population is one of the greatest c_________today2his word i_________ themselves or my money 根据句意填词 I think the increasing population is one of the greatestc____ today. imagine you would fell if you were in the other person‘s shose翻译 Always put yourself in the other's shoes .if you feel that it hurts you it probaby hurts the person The increasing population has been the greatest c______ of the word.填什么? will be going 后面跟this time这个句型对吗 someone will be going this time. I like the colour of the trainers.So I want to buy______.A.one B.a pair CF美服登陆提示 this service is not available in your region 怎么解决 请知道的回答,不知道的就不用说了. 美服cf的this service is not available in your region怎么弄?开了代理也这样.51VPN用过了 Sorry,service is temporarily not available,please try again later.请帮忙翻成中文. The shocking news made me realize________terrible problems we would face .选择that还是what?为什么 The shocking news made me realize ____terrible problems we would face.填什么? BLACK AND BROWN GOOSE中文是什么意思 we've had the biggest wheat crop this year.翻译下 black and brown In Pakistan rice is ___ crop after wheat A.the most important second B.the most second importantC.a second most important D.the second most important