
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:26:38
1.Change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech and Indirect Speech into Direct Speech.3.Then try to rewrite the news story in about 100 words有谁知道它的意思。。 fixed cost(固定成本) variable cost(变动成本),indirect cost(间接成本) direct cost(直接成本)他们的关系我搞不清楚 十分混淆fixed cost是direct还是indirect?variable cost呢? no+名词吗?no+名词可以吗? 关于no matter what后面能不能加名词?名词用单数还是复数啊? matter是可数名词吗? no matter 后面一定要加how么 完形填空Here's story about a seeing-eye dog.We call the dog "seeing-eye" dogs __1__ the dogs are the "eyes" of the blind man (盲人) and they help him __2__.One day,a seeing-eye dog and a blind man got on a bus together.The bus was full of peopl 完型填空 苏教版七下英语暑假作业 练习十二 the world is( 1 ) of variety.trees,grasses and other( 2 ) cover the earth .Above ( 3 )shines on the earth as it turns in the universe.this is the world that we see ( 4 )us every day .this wo It's d_______ to cross the street suddenly.(P80) 请问SAP cost 会计方面的. 什么是SAP?SAP有什么作用? target cost and plan cost的区别是什么co03工单cost analysis里面的target cost和plan cost的区别在哪里? 【首先,本文对现代物流及港口物流进行概述.】 求这句话的英文翻译~ 在港口的英文! 时尚港湾用英文怎么说 no 后面加名词用单数还是复数 高分找一篇关于 港口物流的 外文文献,附带翻译最好. No加名词谓语动词用单数还是复数形式? no+名词后面跟第三人称单数吗如题. 我该怎么提高听力和阅读呢?我四级听力140多,阅读也140多,虽然过线了,可是分数很低,我想具体的该如何提高呢,能给点什么好的建议? 想提高英语听力看哪部片 英语完形的作业 怎样能够快速的提高听力和阅读? 网络作业英语完型填空Maybe there are a lot of very (1)Jeffs out there that I don't know,but it seems that in general,Jeffs areeveryday people who don't do anything(2) .There has never been anyone really famousnamed Jeff.Those actors 完形填空 1小时之内!一、根据短文意思及首字母提示,完成文中所缺单词 While I was growing up,I never h( 1.) a guitar.I t(2.) piano lessons and p(3.) trumpet in our school hand,but I never had a chance to study how to play the 快递用英文怎么说? 怎样提高英语的听力与阅读啊? 九年级英语作文My hometown要有现在完成时态和一般过去时态的 快递员 邮递员 英文是什么? > 高中英语听力阅读如何提高麻烦告诉我 觉得英语的听力和阅读很难 请问怎样才能提高听力水平和阅读水平啊 要实用的! 英语多阅读真的有用吗?如何短时间提高英语水平?多做英语阅读,真的可以提高英语水平吗?感觉都看不懂,做完选择错一大片,感觉提高的真的很慢?还是时间问题呢?感觉背英语单词很枯燥乏味,