
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 02:47:46
英语连词成句.he,to,goes,have,breakfast,school,to,morning,every help!感激不尽还有一题:boy,a,brave,is,birdge,on,the,ang,bridge,walking 造成春秋战国时期诸侯争霸的原因是什么 作文:我梦中的XXX 春秋战国时的周天子有几个周天子更换从春秋到战国时期~他们的权利是什么?不同时期的周天子的权利有变化么? 4 All the students must come to school ___ uniforms. A.have B.wear C.in D.with这里为什么要用in 而不用with ,穿制服要用介词in 可是我确实见过用with的情况呀.语法上有明确的规定么,希望大大们可以 We have to wear uniforms at school.(改为否定句) 春秋战国时期,只有天子能称“王”,比如周文王、周武王等等.诸侯只能称“公”或“侯”比如宋襄公、齐桓公、秦穆公、晋文公.那么,战国后期从什么时候起,诸侯能僭越称“王”了呢?难道周 Should students have to wear school uniforms? 春秋战国时周天子的都城在那里 We have()school uniforms in school.A.wear B.toWe have()school uniforms in school.A.wear B.to wear C.wears D.wearing 英语翻译用英文翻译“化妆品公司” 急求描写祖国好 家乡美的七言绝句 祖国好家乡美的诗歌怎么写,急!要原创的,不超过30行分全给了不是参赛 描写家乡美的诗句没有诗句也行,但不要作文 只为梦中那轮月 have,do,to,a,wear,at,uniform,you,school连词成句else,what,you,do,to,have,do?late,don;t,fou,arrive,classhats,can,in,you,school,wear?can,we,in,eat,dining,the,hall.帮帮忙!连词成句! we have to wear a uniform to school意思?we have to wear a uniform at school.区别? you have to wear a uniform at school同义句是 You have to wear a uniform at school.____ a uniform at school,_____. 老虎的英文怎么说求帮 The student in my school have____(wear)school unifroms at school every day. Students must wear uniforms at school.(改为一般疑问句) All the students must wear u____ at our school. 【外语高手进】外国人怎么有的名字带音调?就像注拼音那样 如何变现在分词 英语将y改为i 变现在分词 We can't have to wear our uniforms at school.它哪里有错呢 Yes ,we have to wear our school uniforms on school days 提问 英语翻译to use:smooth morning and/or evening over thoroughly cleansed and toned skin of face and neck. 英语翻译请帮忙看看一下化妆品的使用方法 谁能帮我找关于家乡美的作文结合改革开放30周年为主线,给大家介绍开发区或你自己的家乡三十年前贫穷落后与现在的翻天覆地的变化. 大量的水被需要用英语怎么说.有一句是 large quantities of water are needed .如果是用______water is needed呢要用什么 我学会了生存作文