
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 10:55:28
解释下列自然现象.1.筷子在水中会“折断“2.流星华过晴朗的夜空.3.雨后出现彩虹! 《西游记》复习资料(填空) 一、作者及评价:《西游记》是 朝著名小说家 .本《西游记》复习资料(填空)一、作者及评价:《西游记》是 朝著名小说家 .本书的一句话评价是:.二、主 定语从句:Those ---want to go please sign their names here.AwhomBwhichCwhoDwhen Romeo's amatory speech. they didn't work on it anymore.如何改同义句 Google-speech-to-text It's raining,but they go on____(work) microsoft text-to-speech engine是什么,有什么用,怎么用,可以删除吗 谁知道Text to speech 都有哪些应用? 本人已写了词之上阕,诚挚邀请朋友补充下阕红樱绿柳,满园尽是翠竹雨露.彩云流月,云河深处,风箫声动人家.留恋间,千转涟光水波碧,百鸟鸣啼俏朱颜.叶黛弥散,殷花纷飞,不知时已暮. 高中英语阅读一篇求答案I received a call today asking if I would be willing to bring food to a family in need.The mother was having a major operation and would be lying down for several weeks.Of course,I responded with an immediate “yes! 有没有人觉得雅思考试那天作文至少7分,出来分数却只有5.5的?作文写完之后,感觉跟饱满,觉得至少是7分,可是出来的分数却只有5.5,有人这样吗? 2014.4.12 雅思小作文是神马~ LIGHT IN THE ATTIC怎么样 A LIGHT IN THE ATTIC怎么样 英语翻译 把舌头卷到里面 用英语说 一篇高中英语阅读When we talk about intelligence,we do not mean the ability to get good scores on certain kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in school.By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving,especially in a new or upset We made him king.为什么king前面不需要加be不是make ...do吗 We made him king.king前面为什么不需要be 不是make..do吗还有He sat their,being tired and sad.为什么不需要being.不是现在分词做伴随状语吗 He made me become monitor这句对吗 let us _________now.A.go to there B.to go there C.go there D.to go to there 为什么是Let's go there而不是Let's go to there? The doctor soon made the worried patient feel____ease.为什么选at? 完善用英语怎么说 沁园春 长沙 中承上启下的句子是 much faster than any of its rivals里的much怎么解释much faster than any of its rivals里的much,怎么解释呢,为什么不用more或者他充当什么意思,为什么要用much呢,比较级不是more.than吗 No one will be an expert,since the speed of knowledge evolution is much faster than we can absorb, 什么叫不及物动词,什么叫及物动词?急~~~~~~~~~~~~要很长的 什么叫及物动词和不及物动词······· 什么叫及物动词和不及物动词啊?举几个例子行吗?有哪些常用的及物动词和不及物动词 A man is 36 years old.He asks the other man how old he is.The other man answers:"I am twice as oldas you were when I was as old as you are today."How old is the other man 参考答案看了没看懂,thanks我自己做也是54 什么叫及物动词与不及物动词.