
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 09:56:13
The museum______I went to yesterday was not the one __I once worked. After ___ for a while,the whole building fell downA.bowing B.bending C.wiping D.shaking给出理由, what与which有什么区别呢 我在跟读老外学英语的时候,感觉说出来的每个单词读音都对,可是录下来和老外的一听,却相差很多,咋办呢?我感觉是口音问题的差别,就是我感觉我英语的不地道,一听就是中国人读的,没有是 是The building is fell down还是The building fell down?为什么? which与what的区别如:____ was most important to her,she told me,was her family这题是填what 还是which 为什么理由清楚点which 可以主句的主语吗 at present technology is developing fast that tall building is being pulled down为什么加ing啊,而不是用ed 不是被动关系吗第二个能不能直接is pulling down啊being在这是啥用法啊. 修改病句:He has worked in Benijing last year. Bakatparin翻译成中文的话, what ,which 的区别 英语翻译:别打喷嚏 打喷嚏的声音怎么写 打喷嚏的声音在英文里怎么写?如题 打喷嚏的声音就是指 ha qiu要打成中文, I clean the classroom today 怎么改为被动语态 The dog bites the stone,not him that throw it.请问下这句英文谚语是什么意思? throw a stone at The boy was wounded __his left dog __a stone The h___ work lets them understand the life is difficult on a farm.S____ Mr.King watches TV at 9:30. “We will eventually understand,nothing make life difficult for the,we have been standing there just refuses to go. “We will eventually understand,nothing make life difficult for the,we have been standing there just refuses to go. You might just try to fly.高中时候听英语广播节日,赖世雄的搭档janifer声音很好听,而且反应能力也很快,印象很深刻.现在对她的印象只残留了一句英语中的习语,You might just try to fly! dorm life teached tolerance to rich and poor with or with the .what the difference - with fast economic development .- 为什么上句没有 the - 而我们九年级上册就有一句话- with the development of china .- 还有一句 ,with the money .- 这里都有the 是什么原因 ,估计wit What's the difference between "with pleasure" and it's a pleasurea well- known professor says that "with pleasure' and "it's a pleasure 'are not the same.In addition he strongly recommends teachers distinguish them clearly.but i usually neglect their the poor have什么 much to the annoyance of the familly 梦境里的事会变成现实吗?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 大家有试过在现实中发生了与梦境一模一样的事吗?(就是梦预知了未来的事)这是为什么? 风在吼.马在叫.黄河在咆哮.黄河在咆哮.运用了什么修辞手法?有何作用? many families ____ ____ ____ ____ (把他们的宠物当作) their family members 梦境里的事会不会发生在现实中?