
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 13:47:49
I want to do some special things...What can I do? ( )What____things do you want?a.other b.anotherc.tood.else 阳光照进屋子可以说成阳光射进屋子吗? 2013年福建英语单选 The Chinese Dream is[ ]The Chinese Dream is[ ]dream to improve people's well-being and[ ]dream of harmony ,peace,and development 空格里的冠词分别是什么?为什么 Guo Chuan is the first Chinese (realize)the dream of sailing around the world 风筝这篇文章的开头与结尾对全文起什么作用? "Kung Fu Padnd" is the work of the Hollywood Dream Works,a director in the West interpreted Chinese animation films including almost all the classic elements of China.By the name of the film on two of the most representative of the terms of China He is the first Chinese (realize)the dream of sailing around the world 风筝在《风筝》起什么作用 英语填空,I have a dream:It is to _____ the university and work in China. 仿写句子:"爱心是一座亮在黑夜的灯塔,使迷途航船找到港湾." ————————————,————————————. 我想在辽阳灯塔买房不知道那个小区的房子好 还在灯塔的房价贵吗? 书是海边的灯塔,给迷路的船只指引方向怎么样理解 在人生的十字路口徘徊,迷失了方向... 我迷失了方向,感到彷徨怎么说.用英语最好朴实一点。 风筝的第一段有五个什么作用?五个哦、、、、、、谢谢 风筝在军事起到得作用 风筝的发明、应用有什么意义与影响? 《风筝》一段的作用326+52 The students will visit Beijing _____a week.A:ago B:after C:in D:later正确的追加50,急 英语翻译Nunca te olvidaré.Mi amor.4 de noviembre.Perdóname.No se puede de就这么多了诶 没写完吗 那我也不清楚。 my father will be back from Beijing ___ a week(in/for/after/later) Ken and Linda's favorite subject P.E..A.are B.is C.am D.does ken and linda's favorite subject___p.e.要加什么 丨 为什么 My favorite subject is Chinese改为否定句 Steven’s favorite subject is Chinese.(改为一般疑问句) My favorite subject is Chinese的同义句 what kind of style 中文翻译是什么 英语翻译What kind of idiot are you What kind of duck are you 两句话翻译成法语《憨豆先生的假期》里的台词 We can't do the work,we have --------people here.用less或few填空这里people 是可数名词吗? Now m____ do a lot of heavy work in factories,so people can have more free time. what letter is a kind of animal?