
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 01:15:43
Neither of us ____(play) volleyball well,用适当形式填空 shop的过去式和过去分词为什么是shopped而不是shoped啊? Look for five-dollar words to replace one dollar words Some words in your vocabulary are general and unclear;the meanings they convey are not precise,exact,or expressive.Try to replace these one-dollar words with five-dollar words that convey your me on the first day he c___ a lot of fish and was very happy 翻译:你们经常什么时候吃晚饭?你想要点什么? 英语翻译the trickster中的truant kids a can of brick dust worms who do not want toclimb down from,their chestnut tree,long white gloves,police tread carefully,escape from the zoo,the perfect child facsimile.怎么觉得前后不相干...总之 joke with sb about后除了跟sth,还可以跟sb吗?答好了再多加我所有的财富值了 哥们儿 Father played a joke on us 一个女的唱的英文歌.you,you are,so...一个女的唱的英文歌 只记得这几个词.you,you are,so...不是you are beautiful 也不是you are vain.唱的撕心裂肺的 恩.求一首歌.欧美的..有点RAP的感觉.金属性重些.只知道歌词.就是一直重复 you are so beatiful...恩..高潮的时候 先是一句 you are so beatiful(音调是从高到低的)然后又是一句you are so beatiful(音调是从 You are completely out of the way RT形容人的话显然不能说是偏僻的吧。会不会是什么俚语的用法呢?补充一下前后文:我们约好去同学家玩,因为我没有车,所以要这个朋友搭我一程。然后他跟我 we were way out of line怎么翻译? someone once helped me out of the way i'm helping you.out of the way怎么用的 get out of the way,will you? She's getting out of bed at half past ten She starts tob her hair,just an ordinary day She looks a求翻译 _____her hair getting gray,she has decided to have it dyed .A.asb.forC.with 1.If you finish all the homework,pick the next thing from your ________,(每周的) list.2.我爷爷经常和邻居们讨论一些社会问题My grandfather often ________________________________________________the neighbours. from Canada to the US用中文怎么说?有助于回答者给出准确的答案 from Canada to the US用英语怎么说? the line of mountains____all the way from chile to canada 找错 1、It's an old house have a lot of big trees. We have many old coins of this kind and the rest _____ you.1.belong to 2.belongs to This is the book( )the teacher spoke in class.用什么引导 -____ will you finish your homework?It's alresdy 12:00 o'clock. three forty five是多少?point five 和point fifth 分别是多少?小数好难读, 用has lunch .goes to school.goes home.造句七年级上册的别太复杂那几个短分开造 I don’t want to miss ___ that film on television.[A] see [B] to see [C] seen [D] seeing并翻译整句 以what do you want to get from the class in this trem 开头写一片英语作文?本人大二,叫舒畅,在湖北上学,学生护理专业. We are live in the computer age初二下册英语评估卷第七单元这是完形填空的开头 We are live in the computer age初二下册英语评估卷第七单元完形填空 求一篇以we live in the information age为大标题的文章最好2000字左右,运用些实事新闻,例如乔布斯,苹果时代之类的。 intensive whitening smoothing serum是什么意思