
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 21:03:56
———— hungry,I took something to eat from the refrigerator.A For I was B Because of beingC Due to being D As I was请问这道英语单选选哪个呢?请告知为什么选那项,别的为什么不选?最后还请翻译一下这句话.. 对苯二甲酸乙二脂怎么写啊?异戊二烯的两个双键为什么要在两边啊?把左边的那个双键,放在中间,左边变成单间,就变成什么了,还有这个“异”是什么意思,在这个方程式中怎么表现出来的?对 there is no one i'd like to be than me 的意思如题 以防万一是什么意思?急急急急急急急急急急急! take someone or something to 顺便给我几个例句, if you don't __ me by two o'clock today,it means i won't be coming.A.hear from B.hear bout还有C.hear D.hear of showing great love for someone or something 问likelihood与chance,opportunity,probability的区别例句:He also said that improving one's balance can reduce the likelihood of injury.好像probability也有几率的意思吧 large possibility 和 big possibility的区别 matlab中,如何把相邻的点连起来?最好能规定距离.我提取边缘,结果都是断点~ possibility的固定结构有什么? you are too young.you shouldn't go home by y_____. 用Matlab怎么把2 6 8 9 5 4 7 4累加起来? home,go,late,shouldn't,too,you.连词组句 you shouldn,t go home by yourself.翻译 You shouldn't go home after It( )a+mouth是什么意思 He is planning to go on with his paiting study ,___now that___ he has recovered from his illness.为什么用now that 求翻译! Grandpa is fully recovered by his operation.哪里错了?改一个字. only ____from his heart trouble ___back to his teaching Awhen he recovered;he cameB when did he recover ;did he come Cwhen did he recover;he came D when he recovered ;did he come 为什么选D I guesse your younger sister and you are equally beautiful中文是什么意思 英语翻译2付租方式:(1) 一次付清:总计 元(人名币大写)(2) 分期付款,每三个月付一次,计 元(大写).其中押金 元由甲方保管.(3) 房租押金 元,下一次租金必须提前 日付清,否则押 十月革命前,俄国的资产及及临时政府是如何建立的? 英语翻译将为您购买会员卡至合同到期 怎么翻译呀~ 这是什成语? ( )那是教会我们( )造句,俩个好得在给分,以防万一 必须是大自然里的东西在前面例如:忙碌的蜜蜂在花丛中穿梭,那是教我们勤劳水滴滴穿岩石,那是叫我们持之以恒(这两句是例句我们 数学作文(我是个长方体) 如何巩固群众路线教育实践活动成果 嵇康临终前为什么还要奏广陵散? DHA ARA 胆碱有什么作用 帮忙翻译Egyptian cotton linens 英语翻译该房屋已通过了中华人民共和国法律法规规定的建筑物出租前所必需的竣工验收及备案手续(取得了上海市建筑业管理办公室颁发的《建设工程竣工验收备案证书》)是房屋租赁合