
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 23:32:51
circle in the sandCircle in the SandDeclan唱过吗?从来都没有听过的就是左溢翻唱的 小亮与小明在做游戏,两人各报一个整式,小明报的被除式是x³y-2xy²,商式必须是2xy,则小亮报一 my family member's travelling to different place的作文怎么写? 被除式为15xy-10xy^2,商式为-4xy,余式为3xy-2xy^2,求除式 I am supposed can not dealing with your email in time.求句子分析I am supposed can not dealing with your email in time.存有以下的问题:1.为什么要用被动(be supposed)2.Can作为系动词为什么后面的deal with要变成dealing with? you are not supposed to eat everything with your hands except brad,not even fruit.上面那句话的翻译怎么都不一样?水果是行还是不行? In the Paris,you are not supposed___________with your hands.to eat,eating,eat,ate 哪一个解释说明 In France you are not supposed to eat anything with your hands e_____ (not including)bread . the books in our school library are many.这句话为毛是错的?the horse's right eye is blind.为毛这句话也是错的? 多项式6x²-2xy-3y²加上一个多项式A得y²-x²,求多项式A. lift your arm的中文意思 If you want to read quickly,you must use your eyes and b____not your mouth. circle underline是什么意思 一篇作文..my successful and failure experience on doing a group project可以给我中文版我自己翻译...或者是给我几个经验就好..比较急.....不好意思...是我没表达清楚...这个是作文题目.....我需要思路..就 is your final exam difficult?no,it'sa piece of cake to me.翻译 翻译:you can use these to eat a bowl of rice. a bowl of rice的中文翻译 英文翻译Who are you supposed to be don't stick your chopsticks upright(直立的) in the rice bowl .I___ ,lay them on your dish .And sometimes the chinese h___ use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate .this is a s__ of politeness. 《四渡赤水出奇兵》中的“天如火来水似银”就是这首词里的这句话是什么意思啦? 《四渡赤水出奇兵》中明明是在横断山,按常理说,海拔越高温度越低,为什么说“天如火,水似银”? We should keep calm in some dangerous s______ 已知f(tan x)=sin 2x,若a属于(0,TT/2),求满足f(sin a)>f(cos a)的a的取值范围 we should keep c in front of danger.keep 后的单词应是什么 I don‘t know how i should keep calm I don’t know _____ ____ ____ calm(改为简单句)the movie is sad enough to make us crythe movie is____ sad____it____us cry(改为复合句)it made me kind of angry to wait for him____for him____me kin 圆锥曲线及其几何性质图表图表包含图象,定义,范围,顶点,对称性,离心率准线,渐进线,焦半径,焦点到准线距离.要椭圆,双曲线,抛物线的 圆锥曲线有什么性质? 什么词语的意思是:通知人们聚集起来是二字词语 小学英语make sentences.1,book .chpeapest.the.is.chinese.the.store.in .the (.) 1,tallest.your.who.the.is in.group(?) x x y y y y=80 x x y y=40 问XY=? 一、单项选择题(下列各小题只有一个选项符合题意,请将其字母标号填入题后的括号内,每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列物件中,利用电磁波工作的是( ) A.“B超”检测仪 B.微波炉 C.电磁起 一个黑箱的实验盒中有:一节新的干电池,红灯L1、黄灯L2、、电铃D、两个开关K1、K2,导线若干.已知每盏电灯和电铃各自直接接到干电池上恰能正常工作.为了探明盒内情况,某同学做了三次实