
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 14:05:11
电视剧的一”集”用英语怎么说 世界最早的汽车?现在最先进的汽车?我国生产过那些汽车?汽车的标志由何来历? 填入所缺的字母,并在括号里写出中文ho( )中文( )w( )( )m中文( )c( )ld中文( )s( )()ny中文()cl( )( )dy中文( )r( )( )ny中文( )sn( ) ()y中文( )c( )( )l中文( ) 在括号里填上所缺的字母,并写出其中文意思 b()()ch b()()y()n n()t()b()()k 填上所缺字母,并写出中文n( )ticeboard ( )t( )pe rec( )( )der ( ) It was half past five in the evening when Sarah came home from work.英语短文翻译 翻译 a keeping husband a keeping husband 请帮忙翻译谢谢 Sarah usually-----(liseten)to English in the evening Dear husband 底下有文章,帮我翻译下.跪谢~~~Dear husband:I don't know , pass through the end of the pain , can find the happy other shore . But I know, so long as you are willing, more difficult day, I can accompany you to pass by togeth 电视剧的第几集中的集用英语怎么说?比如说“第一集”? 分析英语句子语法The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding me - purples,reds,oranges,yellows,blues and greens.请分析句子语法, and so on 和all of the above 的区别he likes al kinds of fruit ---- apples,oranges,pears__________.这题为什么不能填 and so on 而要填all of the above 超南酸枝木与老挝酸枝木哪个比较好?有哪位前辈知道请多多指教谢谢 two farmers were o___ (1)their way home one evening after a hard day's w____(2).both were t___(3).they happened to look up a___(4)the say and saw a black cloud.“Ah"said one farmer,"tomorrow we shall have rain and rice will g___(5)well."the second Work hard at home.应如何翻译 Two farmers were on their w________ home one evening after a day’s hard work.They were tired.They happened to look up at the sky and saw a b_________ cloud overhead.“Ah!” sad one farmer,“tomorrow we shall have r_______ and the rice will grow 关于电路交换,分组交换,报文交换.1.试在下列条件下比较电路交换和分组交换.要传送的报文共x(bit).从源点到终点共经过K段链路,每段链路的传播时延为d(s),数据率为b(b/s).在电路交换时电路的 形容不知道怎么办的四字词语1:30前要求出答案,求不出答案, 电路交换、报文交换、分组交换的异同 形容爱炫耀的四字词语或成语、 电路交换、报文交换、分组交换的区别用简洁的话说 请简述电路交换和分组交换的基本原理与区别 谁能形象的给我解释一下 电路交换、报文交换和分组交换方式 求一篇随笔 150-200字模范一段文字写家人的背影 文字如下我看见他戴着黑布小帽,穿着黑布大马褂,深青布棉袍,蹒跚地走到铁道边,慢慢探身下去,尚不大难.可是他穿过铁道,要爬上那边月台,就 一篇200字左右的随笔一篇200字左右的随笔 差不多就行了,不用太好的,我语文一般般,写太好太假 200左右的,不用太多的. 按实际情况回答:What do you do at six every evening?改为肯定句:Does the come home early?阅读回答问题 Peter is a primary school pupil. He is a good boy.Uncle John lives next to his hoe.Uncle John has no child and he can't see What does he usually do in the evening?(用now改写句子) What___he___now? What does he do in the evening?He do his homework.句子改错 谁有描写云的四字词语?(含云字)要多 描写云的四字词语并带有云,一定要描写 sandy talked _-about herself that we didn't know what she was thinkingA.too much B.so much C.so little D.too little