
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 12:48:17
you are right here 用so或neither完成下列句子Lucy is a student.____I._____her brother.I like music.____my brother.___my father.______they.They went to the party yesterday._______I.They are swimming._______the boys.I have some change._______they. To get the right word in the right place is a real aheievement.的中文翻译 get back the pay和get back that pay有什么区别 repay 和pay back 英语拼写"土耳其"和"火鸡"完全一样,有什么缘故吗? 对下列各句做出回答注意使用so 和neitheri don not like the new man in Sales 用so或neither连接各组句子用so或neither改成倒装句1.He like s classical music.I like calssical muisc.2.He has had breakfast.I have had breakfast3.He doesnt like classical music.I don't like classical music.4.She will buy a new dress.I wi 求翻译:“never say if always put when in place of if” He must put himeself in his friends' place and think more for his friends EY是什么航空公司有什么的特点 法语的发音问题,asseyent中“- ey”发什么音?请写出音标.动词不定式是asseoir.此外,还有联诵的问题:1,46,quarante-six,发音中,清辅音“t”、“s”联诵时怎么发音?是只有“s”,“t”省略掉吗?2,en d 翻译an empty sack cannot stand upright stand 怎样培养毅力拜托各位大神我总是今日事推明日,但我也想每天过得充实不偷懒~~但是我做不到啊~ 要怎么样才能啊~~ 如何培养毅力? 各位大神们怎么培养毅力啊! 如何能培养毅力? 怎样能培养毅力?拜托各位大神 stand 有这个词组么 一个短语的运用:stand bystand by 是随时待命的意思,还是袖手旁观的意思.如果我要表达,随时待命,还有更还的短语或是表达方式吗如果我用 I will always stand by 会引起歧义吗? 看不懂的短语stand inthey had brought nothing more than they stood in.请问stand 电影“rainman”雨人的电影插曲是什么?结尾的那段,有地址最好了 I have no books to read的同义句 英语翻译中国的茶有许多品种,其制作工艺的不同,分为绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶、黑茶、黄茶和白茶六大类.有人说,绿茶代表了江南的文人气,清涩淡远;红茶颇具闺秀气,温婉安娴,静气十足;乌龙 英语翻译please send to me for reference in advance each one of your best performed docs repectively of excel word ppt “Stand by U”stand by U是啥意思? 英语翻译我们刚刚收到这10套设备,我们会马上安排检测,尽快提供报价给您.设备编号4845\4866\4867我们已经修理完毕,等待您下订单给我们,我们会根据您订单上的地址送到指定仓库. 一个英语小短句!你已经成功了一半!(翻译成英文)!(第一个回答的) 如何培养坚强毅力工作没有什么动力 怎么样培养坚强的毅力? 怎样培养坚强毅力