
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 23:14:26
把下列文章翻译成英语你可以尝试养小狗,因为狗是人类最好的朋友.狗对人很忠诚,它视你为它最亲爱的主人,而且狗很乖巧可爱.你一定要好好地照顾它,给它一个舒适而温暖的小窝.养狗不是一 英语翻译One Day,Miss So brought some old things to class.She asked the children to work in pairs,choose one thing and write a story about it.Jane and Pam chose a pretty,small bag.They opened it and found a note inside.Jane read the note aloud.Jan 英语翻译Thank you for the great Expo 2010 -card!I really like it.Your card was received in a little archipelagic town which is on whole located on islands and there is a sound flowing through the centrum.This place is two-languaged:Finnish and Sw 英语翻译Mr.Smith usually put his car outside his house .One night ,he put it there as usual again,but when he came out the next morning,he found that car wasn't there .He called the police officers and told them about it.They said they would try 英语翻译promotions managers supervise staff of promotion specialists .these managers direct promotion programs that combine advertising with purchase promotion to increase sales.In an effort to establishcloser contact with consumers,promotion pro 英语翻译我们应该关注野生动物的保护问题,因为目前它们要么濒临灭绝,要么处于危险中.一方面,为了获取食物或动物身上厚厚的皮,人们捕猎动物,另一方面,人们不能与一些他们认为很凶猛的 英语翻译This year's summer vacation was most enjoyable.I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside,where I saw mountains fields covered with green plants.Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of th 英语翻译Not long ago I wasn’t doing very well in exams and Iwas full of disappointment and negative thinking .While on the lnternet ,Imet many new friends ,but one in partieular stood out His nickname is Colorful Day and we chatted on tne Wod . 英语翻译The most famous statue-the Sphin x(狮身人面像)in Egypt has been damage d.The experts are going to find out the c ause to protect it .The Sphinx has the body of a lion an d the face of a man.It was cut from lime stone(石灰石) nea 10篇 60词—80词 求初一英语作文,关于寒假生活的,5篇,要80词以上~急求初一英语作文,关于寒假生活的,要80词以上~急,5篇, 初一英语作文80词左右.急!根据提示写短文,要初一水平的英语作文.不要太长,按点写.1:它是一只很可爱的小狗.名字叫点点是因为有很多黑的圆圈(circle)在它身上.2:点点非常友好的.许多孩 初一英语作文100词(8篇) 初一英语作文健康食品100词左右 初一英语作文one Day 60词kangkang (康康)的一天 可 参考的词汇:get up have breakfast meet his friends at home go fishing doshopping go home本问题有效期12月23 过期不候 初一英语作文,《my day》60个词 初一英语作文 my family 50词 my dream 初一英语作文 60词 初一英语作文(50个词)题目:My house 初一英语作文 my family 50词带中文 初一英语作文 my school life 60词 初一英语作文6篇(100字左右)可记下寒假里有趣的事.(要有中文意思,初一水平能够就行) 初一英语作文 带翻译 50词 要6篇 人教版初一英语 课文..忘记把英语书带回家了...死同学都不理我. 怎么快速背初一英语课文 英语翻译Yang Liwei was born in an ordinary family in Liaoning Province in 1965.He became a pilot in Chinese Air Force in 1987,spending 1,350 hours in the air.He has spent 5 years training to become a spaceman.Yang Liwei was sent into space at 9 a 为什么英语书上说杨利伟是China's first astronaut而不说Chinese first astronautChina's 和Chinese强调的重点有什么区别 改病句 Who is the China's first astronautAt about 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon,they reached to the station . Yang Liwei is the first Chinese to orbit the Earth,( )he is called“China’s first astronaut” 有六年级下册英语课文翻译 冀教版六年级下册英语第二课翻译,有课文.Let's see,Jenny.I need a T-shirt and a pair of runners.And we need some ping-pong balls.There's a clerk.Let's ask him for some help.Excuse me!Do you have any runners?Yes!I'll show you!Do you lik “她来自中国”的英文翻译,