
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 22:22:45
old ,is ,cousin ,how ,your )连词成句说出中文意思 ——How old is her grandfather?(79.)——______ ______ State owned corporation什么意思 用英语说她几岁了用how is her old对吗 I have own spirit,has own goal,I did not think later will have the how magnificence,will make a Because of the sheer scale of the modern state,companies are obliged to engage with it on many levels.Governments,for their part,are expected to deal with a variety of ills in society,from banning imports of unhealthy or dangerous substances to comba 这是什么树? 填空:杨柳绿千里(),春风放胆来梳柳(),春风一拂千山绿() 春风一拂千山绿 下一句是什么? Mrs.Green asked the ___ to write a composition "My Cat"After school ,Lily _____ the composition carefully at home.___,Lucy played with a girl happily outside___ of doing her homework. cher这个英文名怎么读如题,cher是个女生英文名吧要怎么读呢最好有音标 短语代替Mrs Green asked someone to repair her radio改为Mrs Green _____ _____ _____ _____ 羽毛球比赛女子单打6队,每队3人,怎样安排比赛呀?每队每人都要上场 的情况下 He is not satisfiend with what he has done 的中文是什么 Has she done so yet or not这个so yet 否定回答怎么说?请告诉我完整的句子. he has not finished yet.A:he ought to have .B;he ought to have done.该用A还是B?为什么/ 求高中英语作文、智利圣何塞铜矿8月5日发生矿难,33名矿工在井下约700米处被困达69天.经过设计方案、挖掘隧道等一系列准备工作,最后阶段的救援于当地时间10月12日晚展开.智利总统以及多 国际互联网上的内容非常丰富,各种知识,各类信息无奇不有.这段话什么结构!快很急今天晚上最好! 国 国际互联网上的内容非常丰富,各种知识、各类信息无所不有.人们可以---,可以----,可以-,还可以-- 诗句:黄莺鸣翠柳 的下一句是什么? (黄鹂鸣翠柳)下一句是( )注:不是两个黄鹂鸣翠柳哦就5个字的都错的还是我来告诉你们吧?刚得知的下联(紫燕剪春风)问题是我要的就是(紫燕剪春风)懂吗?所以我说以上都错的 是否存在实数p,使4x+p0的充分条件?如果存在,求出p的取值范围,否则说明理由.写清楚点 两只黄鹂鸣翠柳,下一句是什么? 求极限〔x+(x^2)+…+(x^n)-n〕/(X-1) x趋于1 黄鹂鸣翠柳下一句看好,不是杜甫的诗,各位! 表示不忍离去的成语有哪些? 表示“离开、已经走了”的四字成语有哪些拜托了各位 求极限〔(n+1)/(n-2)〕^n Not only did he give me a book 这里为什么用"did he" ①l tried to find some monry in my pockets,but l found ______(no) ②②when are talking about a person's mood,we are talking about his____.A.feeling B.quelity C.wish D.happiness 我不懂英语,但我很想去美国,这是我的愿望,现在我有能力实现了,就是不懂英语啊,要是去了美国怎么办?下了飞机打车都难…… 额,难想象 用found some money.picked up some book ,gave Candy my umbrelle,packed Andy's schoolbag来造句可以加财富,