
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 18:44:01
家里的灯坏了,是房顶的那种圆形灯,直径一米的那种.我整个房间都靠这个大圆灯照明.今天晚上我在上网的时候它突然闪了几下,然后变暗,然后由白色光变成暗的黄色光,然后熄灭,怎么也打不 求企业文化广告语我们厂需要在厂区内做一个大的广告牌,想分成三个板块,该做成什么内容的,那个高人给点建议啊我们是一个建筑装饰企业 any other country 和 any country的区别China is the biggest country than any other country in Europre 和 China is the biggest country than any country in Europe. 的区别. 运用双关修辞手法创作广告语,不仅宣传了产品形象、传达了企业精神,而且能够引发人们更广阔的意义联想,或令人深思默想,或让人莞尔一笑,给人留下深刻的印象.请选择下列一则广告语,具体 Canada is larger than______country in Asia. A)any b)any other c)other d)another e)the other ( )Canada is larger than_____country in Asia.A.any other B.any C.other D.another 风筝 如何理解第一段末尾的我是一种惊异和悲哀 数列有一点没看懂bn=1/n,Sn=1+1/2+.+1/n所以,Tn=S2n-Sn=1/(n+1)+1/(n+2)+1/(n+3)+.+1/2n(这里没看懂,怎么得来?)Tn+1=1/(n+2)+1/(n+3)+.+1/2n+1/(2n+1)+1/(2n+2)所以;Tn+1-Tn=1/(2n+1)+1/(2n+2)-1/(n+1)(哦,这里看懂了,刚看懂.就 Millions of people prepared for a rare event high in the sky.Some purchased telescopes or special equipment.Others prganized viewing parties.This was when the plant Venus passed directly between the earth and the sun.But because Venus' orbit is incli The good news made me______(feed)happy. 鲁迅《风筝》:作者看到“远处有一二风筝浮动”,就感到“惊异和悲哀”这是为什么? 鲁讯 风筝 作者看到远处有一二风筝浮动,就感到惊异和悲哀最这是为什么? 鲁迅的风筝里 惊异指什么 悲哀指什么 _____ _____she_____?She can play basketball she can play basketball用now改写 Can she play basketball?(改为否定句) 请高手写文章:moving to a new country250个字 A TRIP TO the COUNTRY Marie _____a restless person. she kept moving from country to countryA must be B must have been 答案为B 我只知道must have been用表示对过去的推测 怎么这句陈述的话也用呢A为什么不能用呢 求解释谢谢 他会拉二胡he can play erhu 还是 he can play the erhu 权威的 play the erhu 还是play erhu play erhu和play the erhu,应该选哪个 你会拉二胡吗?Can you play Erhu? what kind of person is jerry zhangis he funny? What kind of person is noble boys and girls等于什么 智力填空 While the other boys and girls were playing on teh playground,she alone remained in the classroom reading.请问这里为什么不能用as,而用While呢? let's ()the boys playing soccer.填空 why didn't you go to the movie yesterday?because i(had )seen it before.为什么不能用have Why didn't you go to the movie yesterday?Because I--before.A.Had seen B.have seen C.would seen选哪个呢,是现在完成时还是用过去完成时呢 天坛用英文怎么说 what kind of dog would a person bite