
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 03:19:06
英语填空:We should eat different kinds of food from each of the five food groups:g____,vegetables,fruit,milk products and meat. 英语翻译Every distribution breaker should be 2-Pole and attached with a tripping contact.这句话前面能看懂,但是后面的attached with a tripping contact.tripping contact是一种断路器的附件么?我个人比较赞同rbt183的看法 you should eat lots of different kinds of food to make sure your b()gets everything it needs.完形填空! the singer and dancer ___the party this evening空格里填 is to attend 但为什么不能用 is about to attend 有什么不一样?错在哪里? 这些字潮汕话怎么说潮阳音 岛屿怎么读,屿是 贵屿的屿同音?名字中的枫怎么读卿 怎么读,图像 怎么读还有春菜是什么菜.宏怎么读,昭怎么读,琛怎么读? 请问这个词潮汕话怎么说?痔疮这个词潮汕话怎么说?如果你是汕头潮南区的那就更好;是峡山--陈店一带的那最好了!读tí & tì 晕呐.我无法采纳正确回答啊.还有,我也不知道应该如何发起投票 “拓”字,潮汕话怎么说?急,知道的快说一下? work in the zoo什么意思 Different kings of food have different f____. l have tried many different kinds of food,but l like chinese dim sum_.(good)明天交, we have many kinds of food with different________(味道)and flavours The singer and dancer there A.has left B.have left c.has leave D.hvae leave 近代西方代议制是什么? 对欧美近代形成的代议制的看法 关于代议制什么叫代议制啊,什么又是代议制民主啊. To be healthy,we can eat the most of the food like的意思1.To be healthy,we can eat the most of the food like2.we should eat less of the food like这两个中文句的意思. To be healthy,we can eat the most of the food like怎么回答 格式 --Good evening.I____to see Miss Mary.--Oh,good evening .I'm sorry ,but she is not in .--Good evening. I ____ to see Miss Mary.--Oh, good evening. I’m sorry, but she is not in.A.have come B.come C.came D.had come这题到底选A还 25.---Good evening.I _______ to see Miss Mary.---Oh,good evening.I’m sorry,but she is not in.A.have come B.come C.came D.had come ---Good evening.I _______ to see Miss Mary.---Oh,good evening.I’m sorry,but she is not in.A.have come B.come C.came D.had come Good afternoon.I ( ) to see Lily.Oh,I'm sorry,but she is not inGood afternoon.I ( ) to see Lily.Oh,I'm sorry,but she is not inA\have comeB\would comeC\have goneD\went -Good evening.I ___ to see Jessie -Sorry,but she is not in.Come in and have a cup of coffee?camewill comehave comehad come考什么知识啊,怎么选啊,下次遇到类似有没有方法啊 任意一本英语读物的摘录.不要太深.急用哦.如好会追加. 英文读物摘抄好词好句 英语中单数变复数的规律大哥大姐行行好吧, 资本主义代议制民主与中国人大制度的异同.求大家不要愤青,要那种政治试卷历史试卷上面可以答出来的答案. 人民代表大会制度与欧美代议制的本质区别 中国的人民代表大会制造于美国的代议制有什么本质区别? 资产阶级代议制和人民代表大会制度的区别 人民代表大会基本原则与欧美代议制的本质区别 关于商人的名人名言有哪些? 求一句 名人名言 关于商人的一个特别出名的人的一句话,我突然想不起了 .内容大概是这样的,说一个商人 如果有%30的利润他愿意挺而走险 有%50 可以违背道德,%70 可以违法,%100 可以杀人放火.