
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 23:00:51
翻译一下Do you know how to learn English well?Let me tell you .I always copy new words in pieces of chang yue liu shang zhi gan Yi ci neng da ji zhi yi gan yi mao 如果女生询问男生说:我们不可能了,对吧.说明什么 人门常说:男人千万表说不要,男人千万表说不行. 恭喜发财是指的什么呢 恭喜发财吗?这是给别人的红包- - Do you ofent help your mum c__ supper on Saturday?把单词写完整,注意时态 小琴爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶四人的身份证号码,对应的写出来【1】350204193704121591【2】350204197002260050【3】350204194510151041【4】350204197605120462 下面分别是小鹏的爸爸,妈妈,爷爷,奶奶的身份证号码,请你帮忙分析可能是谁下面分别是小鹏的爸爸,妈妈,爷爷,奶奶的身份证号码,请你帮忙分析可能是谁的身份证号码450103197104121522 4501031944120 要开龙年年会了,我想把企业成立10年的字样加到年会串讲词中,如何加更恰当 写出下列对联所赞美的人物1写鬼写妖高人一等,刺贪刺虐入木三分2世上疮痍诗中哲圣,民间疾苦笔底波澜3已知天下三分鼎,犹竭人某六出师4铜板铁琶继东坡高唱大江东去,采芹悲黍冀南宋莫随 将这个变成反义疑问句He has never jeard of him 写出对联中的三国人名(六个)身居宝塔,眼穿孔明,怨江围实难吕布;鸟在笼中,心思槽巢,恨关羽不得张飞.请写出对联中的六个三国人名.(急求) 1、He has never heard of Mother Teresa.(改为反意疑问句)He has never heard of Mother Teresa,_____ _____ 2、Bruce Lee made kung fu popular in the West,_____ _____ (改为反意疑问句)3、The kind woman spent her life caring for the It in witer in Hainan.A.snowing B.snows C.snow D.doesn't snow It ___in Hainan. A.never snow. B.nevIt ___in Hainan. A.never snow. B.never snows. C.is never snowing. D.are never snowing It never snows,but it's( )in summer It never ----------(snow)in Singapore I'm not inerested in the worki'm _____with the work. 浅谈如何处理顾客投诉 一篇英语短文改错,一共十处错误As we can see in the pictureAs we can see in the picture ,the boy is too worried about the coming exam that he feels sick .It's fairly common phenomenon among our students who pay too much attention to the r you can see—--woman in the photo中间横线部分选填A:an 80 years oldB:a 80 years oldC:an 80-year-oldD:a 80-year-old个人认为可能是A, The new pen I bought last week doesn't work now,which _______ me very angry. 红豆生南国,此物最相思' 红豆生南国的后三句是什么?每一句的句式又是什么? We can put this picture near the door.对near the door 提问there is some watet in the bowl.对some提问you can't swim here.(改祈使句)you can't play football here.(改为祈使句)they have an English class on Friday afternoon.(对on Friday a 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 中的徒是什么意思? 求随心所欲的造句 我的微笑并不代表我快乐这名话英文怎么说 为什么SORRY SORRY的第二句是韩庚唱,而MV和LIVE都是奎贤?我仔细听过好多遍.还没看MV跟LIVE之前,一直都以为是韩庚,可是看了之后才发现是奎贤.为什么这样呢?而且很多歌词都是说第二句是韩庚得! 我笑并不代表我快乐用英文怎么说?