
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 02:40:40
what does a diet of healthy foods contain 根据所给首字母提示填空 a healthy diet is about getting the correct b____ of a variety of food.a healthy diet is about getting the correct b____ of a variety of food. 分析The shop is closed few the holidays 丹江口游记作文 装修问题:我们家里装修需要电路改造,电线基本上都要走暗线,请问在墙上开槽可以随便开么,开槽有规定么?我看我们家电路改造的人在墙上随便开槽,线路走向也随意的走,比如A点到B点开槽 家里装修地面线管靠墙走是不是就不用开槽?开槽走是不是好一点?RT,请各位大大帮忙解答. 丹江口库区是在十堰吗?丹江口库区附近还有什么好玩的? Make my Stomach Make my Stomach 不要用什么在线翻译的谢谢! 湖北丹江口谁知道丹江口 湖北丹江口市小吃比较有特色.有名的 小吃 想问一下湖北丹江口市的房价现在是多少?我在湖北丹江口市有一套房子想卖,不知现在那里的房价是多少?位置在迎宾桥,2003年建的,100平方左右, 摩羯座英文简写双子座的简写是PS,那么摩羯座的简写是什么呢? Job Objective:CNC Assistant Engineer,Computer or Machine Tool Attendant 把这句话翻译成中文.谢... 除了英语外,学什么外语吃香?除了英语还想掌握一门外语,现在学什么外语实用. i would let nothing stand between me and my goal. 现在流行的外语除了英语外,还有什么是比较吃香的?我想以后从事翻译 编写一个Application程序 程序中包括计算机Computer类 生成几个Computer类对象并输出相关信息 英语“死”填空用“death(n.)”“die(v.)”“dead(adj.)”“died(过去式)”“dying(现在分词)”来填空The ______man didn't know he was ______,decause he won't believe the ______until he was _______.Princess Di 射手摩羯座 英语怎么说是一个星座哟! 一道英语填空,急死我了He doesn't look an old man in his_____(sixty)指年龄 how s she was!she was supposed to be theren time 舍() 求()填空 ()舍 填空填反义词,及 可不可以说have also done 可不可以说have something like 魔羯的英文怎么写 we don't feel( ).a.good b.great c.well the panda often gets up to eat something d____ the night s开头的英文歌曲,女声唱的,结尾是英文dance John's dog died lastweek.That made him very ____. 方法的反义词是什么? 新概念里面一句啊话:“ate like kings”新概念3的一篇文章.这里的like 是做什么用法?求大师指点.副词?