
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 11:46:08
1.We are just trying to reach a point___both sides will sit down together and talk.A.where B.that C.when D.which2.The film brought the hours back to me ___l was taken good care of in that far away village.A.whom B.that C.when D.where 1 - why don't we take a little break?- Dinf't we just have ( C) A it B that C one D this 为什么选C ABD为什么错误 2.SO you were in the shop ( A ) you heard a strange sound ,right?A when B while 为什么选A 而B是错误的? 1\i wondered whether it was in this room( )the old king was killeda,that b,in which c,in where d,which2\( ),they did their best to help usa,young as they areb,as they are youngc,young as they wered,as they were young The government has built flast to___.A.live in B.live on____people came to cencertA.a mnumber of B.the number of C.a lot要原因》》》》》》 2道英语选择题. Cui was just 14 and Wang was 16.The interest () sgadow play brought the couple together.A inB ofC onD to括号后是 shadow susan ()for a while,but soon hated itA took up paintingB took up paintC took paint up D took painting up Scientists say it may be five or six years ____ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.A.before B.after C.since D.when这种before 和when还有after老搞不清楚,怎么区别选择?答案不是B,C额,老选不对这类题目 三道小小的选择题 英语 1.She ___ a final look before she leave.A take B give C offer2.He has a gift in writing and it can be supposed that he would ___a writer.A do B make C grow D fall3.He suddenly laughed so____ in the party.A loud B aloud请给出答案,并详细说明 You look tired.You should lie down and rest for _____ hours.A.a littleB.littleC.fewD.a few--Do you need ______ a doctor?--No,thanks,I'm feeling much better now.A.looking atB.seeingC.to look atD.to see--Why don't you let Sue do it?--I ______ she _____ 三道英语选择题(一定要做对)!1)Mr.Wang is thin,but Mr.Zhang is ______thinner.A.very B.little C.even D.many2)-What do you think of the film?-Couldn't be _____.I like it very much.A.good B.well C.better D.best3)My parents make me ______ 3个英语选择题,急.1.( )the help of the Teacher's Book ,we can understand the meaning of the passage better.A.With B.By 2.Have you decided when to leave for Beijing Yes ,i ( ) the day after tomorrow .A.leave B.have left C.left D.am leaving3. 3道英语选择题~~急1.Ted has never spent a ____ day.A.more worry B.most worried C.most worrying D.more worrying选:D问:老师讲adj最高级前要有the 但是为什么又要选D的 帮我解释一下其他三个选项2.I wond 1.-what should l wear to attend party?-dress____you like.Awhat Bhowever Cwhatever Dhow2._andy works hard.-so he does.he is often seen_heavily before his teammates have even arrived at practive.Ato be sweated Bsweated Cbe sweated Dsweating3.the number 看看这3道英语选择题看看选什么,并从语法上分析一下选择理由.不甚感激!小鸟菜,需要弄懂为什么一定要选这个答案,而别的不行.1. Weather ______ , we’ll go sightseeing. A. permitted B. is permit 1.I asked him to___me a few minutes so that i could go over all the problems.A.spend B.save C.spare D.share2.--Look!this building is higher than___of the buildings around.--Yes,it seems to be higher than___I've seen.A.any other;any B.any other;any ot 1.Is ( )you told me really true?A that Bwhich C it Dwhat2.No one knows exactly( ) this important discovery was made.A that Bthat how and when Chow or why D how or when3.( )came to see me?A Who you think B Do you think who CWho do you think D Whom do 3题选择题,英语 初二生物一道选择题:下列说法正确的是:A、人体通过三道防线与病原体作斗争,所以一般情况下,绝大多数人都不会患病 B、只要不与传染病人接触,就能有效地防止传染病的感染 C、人体的 下列关于物种的说法正确的是A一个物种就是一个生物B多个物种可以直接形成一个科C一个物种只含有一种生物D形态结构和生理功能表现相似,生态分布基本相同的一群生物就是一个物种.(我 初二生物选择题一道 悬赏分:5 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 6 小时购买包装商品时最好选择 A保质期长的食品 B新鲜、保质期短、不含防腐剂的食品 C保质期在一个月以内 D保质期在一年以上 我选 我要150道,(七上75道,八上75道) 下列关于细胞膜功能的判断,正确的是A.由于细胞膜能严格地控制物质进出细胞,因而能保证生物体的健康B.将玉米花粉细胞内部与外界环境隔开的结构是细胞壁C.器官移植时的异体排斥反应是 基因型为Mm的动物,在其精子形成过程中,基因MM、mm、Mm的分开,分别发生在①精原细胞形成初级精母细胞②初级精母细胞形成次级精母细胞③次级精母细胞形成精子细胞④精子细胞形成精子 正常人尿液中不含葡萄糖,糖尿病患者的尿液中含有葡萄糖,糖尿产生的原因是()A葡萄糖从肾小球滤出进入肾小囊B肾小管的吸收作用降低,葡萄糖无法全部重吸收C甲状腺激素分泌不足,新陈代 真核细胞单位面积的核孔数目与细胞类型和代谢水平有关.以下细胞中核孔数目最少的是__A.胰岛细胞B.造血干细胞C.效应B细胞(浆细胞)D.口腔上皮细胞 5.转基因抗虫棉可以有效地用于棉铃虫的防治.在大田中种植转基因抗虫棉的同时,间隔种植少量非转基因的棉花或其他作物,供棉铃虫取食.这种做法的主要目的是A.维持棉田物种多样性B.减缓棉 偏头病是一种遗传病.若父母均患偏头痛,则子女有75%可能患病;若父母 有一方患病,则子女有50%可能患病.由此,可判断偏头痛是 ( ) A.常染色体隐性遗传病 B.常染色体显性遗传病 C.伴X隐 K+离子进入细胞,随着氧的浓度增高而吸收速率增高,但为什么‘K+离子的吸收速率与载体有关’错了呢?分明是主动运输也!好像是与载体数量有关,错了来着 如果基因中4种脱氧核苷酸的排列顺序发生改变,这一变化一定导致( )A.遗传性状改变 B.遗传密码改变 C.遗传信息改变 D.遗传规律改变最好说一下理由,.. 癌症患者腹部积水后,为利尿排水应静脉输送的主要成分是 ( )A复合氨基酸B葡萄糖和维生素C无机盐D血浆蛋白