
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:25:17
《对牛弹琴》的意思 今天是大雪,今天是二十四节气中的大雪, let's play hard to play hard to get是什么意思 play hard to get 是什么意思play hard to get的意思是 “努力去得到” 还是 “考验”希望有真正懂的人过来给我解答下 give是持续性动词吗?如果是,那么瞬间性动词怎么改?初中有哪些重点要记住的持续性动词改瞬间性动词?Since 1986,the old man ___(give)2000000 yuan to help poor students go to school. It's hard for him to play against me.I've got nothing to play for,but forhim,heneedstowinso___It's hard for him to play against me.I've got nothing to play for,but for him,he needs to win so___.A. far B. well If boys can't play ball games in the school,will they play on the s____?It's hard to say. 你能告诉不屑一顾\邯郸学步\画蛇添足\对牛弹琴怎么成语接龙?(要接6个) advice sb to do sth与advice sb that ab (should) do这两者有什么区别 有谁可以帮我找初高中常见的300个动词常见的就可以了,不要超纲,能注明英语单词汉语意思或能给一-2个短语的最好 it's hard to say--Sally,just take a look at the two shirts.Which one do y ou think is nicer?--It's hard ______.A.to say B.to say which C.to say which is D.to say which nicer这道题是选A没错.但一定要选省略形式吗.还是固定就这样 初中阶段常用的动词搭配~例如like doing sthwould like to do sth之类的.最好分年级,实在不好分年级也把do,doing,to do分开,答完了有追加分~请说明中文~ It hard to but It's hard to 如题 初中常见的动词 动词 和动词+ing形式 谢谢 最少30个! it hard to say Tom is English,but he can speaker Chinese(为什么用speaker,而不用speak?)或者speaks? THESE ________[PERSON]CAN'T SPEAK CHINESE,然后PERSON和PEOPLE的区别说清楚! 《现代文品读·文言文点击》2013版第7课《口哨》答案,急,求大神指导, 2013年都有哪些动漫?= Dut it hard to understand to me!本人对英语敏感,所以向大家指教指教. it is hard for me to write down ithard为A for me为B to为C write down it为 D哪个是错的怎么改 It's too hard()me to learn English It's too hard to me.Can we say in other way?It's too hard for me!我的意思是能不能用:It's too hard for me! It’s hard to carry it.如何翻译,to it's hard to tell but it's true baby i'm still part of you are still part of me 翻译成中文、 Being a new person in a city isn't easy改为同义句————— ————— ———— ——————a new person in a city. 表示情况危急的词,( ),( ),( ) The dress ____smooth and soft.I'll take it.A.felt B.feels C.is felt D.is feeling为什么When you leave the room,make sure the door____A.was locked B.is locked C.will be locked D.should be locked选A还是B There were dirty marks on her trousers_______she had wiped her hands.A.where B.which C.when D.thatThe place _____the bridge is supposed to be built should be _____the crossriver traffic is heaviest.A.which ;where B.at which ;which C.at which;where D. 26.Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas,wind and other forms of A.energy B.source C.power D.material10.He has one blue pen and two red A.one B.once C.one's D.ones要有为什么噢~