
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 23:47:03
世界上热带有哪些地方海风景特别优美? 世界最美丽的景色在哪?在中国的哦, They have skirts ( ) many colors ( )40yuan.A.in;for B.in;are C.is;for D.are;for We have bags _ many colors.填空,一空一词 have,many,in,coats,different,we,colors连词成句 we have many red bags for girs.(改为同义句) we have __ __ red bags for girs. They have socks( )many colors,Let's go there togeyher.A:of b:in c:at d:for 选一个 世界珍稀动物要鱼类的! 大家请看这位超级大美女是谁啊.她是全世界最美最美的女人 Do you have _____homework to do every day?A.a lot B.much C.many D.lots Do you have ________ homework to do every day?A.a lot B.many C.much D.a lots of I have____to do every day.选:any homeworks,much homework,some homeworks,many homework I Have----- homework to do A;few B;little C;much D;many 顺带说下为什么.谢谢. 星星有多少颗? 什么是星星儿 英语阅读 Many student have a probleme called test anxietyMany students have a problem called test anxiety(考试焦虑症) .What will you do?Don’t 41 .When you know you have theproblem,you are 42 to solve(解决) it.This problem isn’t all 43 Many a student have more than one book.(该病句) who--a pet in your class?many students--?a,has,has b,have,has,c.have,have,d,has,have Who--- a notebook in the schoolbag?many students----.A.have;has B.has;has C.has;have选哪一个为什么?This is my blouse.(改成一般疑问句,并给予肯定回答) 铁具;例如螺丝刀~菜刀或者单车轮框等等生锈了~用什么可以洗掉这些锈迹呢?同上~ 辛亥革命期间,南京临时政府颁布一系列法令法规.其中能体现孙中山民族主义思想的?辛亥革命期间,南京临时政府颁布一系列法令法规.其中能体现孙中山民族主义思想的是A.《大总统令禁烟 三民主义中的民族主义,是指“驱除鞭虏,恢复中华”,把矛头对准了清王朝,即以革命的手段推翻满族贵族的统治,解除民族压迫.你认为当时中国人民最大的民族敌人应当是什么?从中你发现孙中 来自星星的你 好看吗 星星好看吗 《来自星星的你》真的好看? many people ____ (have) a cold.用所给词的适当形式填空填have,has还是had?说明理由! many people have ___ flu because of ___ cold weather Many people______a special dog.A.has B.have C.having “你能告诉我怎么挤牛奶吗”用英语怎么翻译 If you were (much more) friendly to people,you would have (many more) friends这句话中前部分的much more 是比较级,那后面的(many more)在句子中是什么用法? Many people have described television阅读答案 亲们帮我做下! 20分! 英语翻译办公室内需做标牌,最好是所写!例如:副总经理室 V.P.Room会议室 conference Room