
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:59:02
影响车轮动不平衡的因素有哪些? 汽车车轮不平衡的影响因素 耳水不平衡是什么原因?后果会怎么样? suggest sth for还是to sb 帮我找几张美国真人秀的全家福的照片 要漂亮的America's next top modelproject runwaysurvivordancing with the stars Stay.or.leave!Just.a.matter.of.time..stay.with.me.or.leave.me.alone翻译成中文是什么意思? he will call you as soon as he arrives in beijing 连词成句:I'll,as,I,Beijing,call,you,get,to,as,soon. I will call you as soon as I get home.英译中 don't sit () me.I want to stay alone用介词怎么填 迷失的小女孩 续写开头:小女孩一个人在街上玩,不知不觉迷失了方向,怎么也回不了家,便大声哭起来.警察走过来说:“好孩子,你哭什么,” 小女孩哭着说:“我迷路了,找不到家在那儿,回不 Start the date with news you need from the people you trust As soon as i have time,I will call you up.改为同义句As soon as i have time,I will ( )you( ). The police are searching the woods for the lost child. 什么意识, The boy was reported to be lost and the police are searching ____A the wood for him B himC him in the village D him on the banks of the river it was dark .the police ----(继续)searching for the lost children The police are searching the woods for a robber The sun shines t_____ the window in the room. 镁磷板不好用啊 填介词或副词the sunlight shines _ my room _ the windowOur Geography teacher tells us the moon goes _ the EarthNobody knows why he often looks _ at the sky 关于磷镁活动板房的问题我打算在房顶做一个鸽舍大概10平方米左右,本来想用彩钢做的但是彩钢板95一平米做出来材料大概要3000元.我觉得太贵了,现在想改用磷镁活动板建造.磷镁活动板价格 The sun shines t____ the window 磷镁土添加什么原料可以增加强度 I will call you when I arrive in Beijing.I will call you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.两句都可以翻译成我到了北京就会给你打电话 镁土是什么 He will give me a call as soon as he _____ in Beijing.根据句意填空.我感觉应该用arrive 这个词,但有人写arrived,是不是不能算对啊?应该是arrives吧? it is the neighbourhood where your f_______make connection with other people we need to t______ anand interact with other human beings 初一英语实验班下p27最后一题 英语翻译在我国,这个词是科室主任的意思吗? Nafure Is The Besf Physician 翻译中文是意思 at the discretion of the physician 怎么翻译 two tables daily or as directed by a physician 磷镁板属于哪种那种夹芯板