
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:25:48
She is a student.(改为同义句) she is Emma 改为同义句-------- --------- Emma She is Ann.改为同义句 The girl who spoke is my best friend.god will not stand by you who failed him?The girl who spoke is my best friend.定语从句能修饰代词吗? The girl behind the tree is my best friend (对划线部分提问)(划线部分:behind the tree)______ ______ is my best friend? Diamond is girl’s best friend 是什么意识 The girl with long hair is (my best friend).(对括号部分提问)____ ____ the girl with long hair? 欧亨利短篇小说集读后感1000字左右 欧亨利短篇小说精选的读后感800字以上 欧亨利特短篇小说精选300字读后感 9年级学过的以ed和ing结尾的形容词写得清楚一点、、最好带汉语意思只要好好答我都给赞同 我想让你给我生孩子用英语怎么说? 相同词根ed和ing结尾的形容词越多越好,要成对出现的 分娩用英语怎么说 “已生育的”用英语怎么说已生育的,就是有小孩的那种状态用英语哪个单词呢,我现在在做一张表格,要用到这个词 “请为我生孩子吧”用英语怎么说?要标准的. 联合国旗帜中世界地图象征着( ),橄榄枝象征着( ). 联合国旗帜是由橄榄枝组成吗? 以ing和ed结尾的形容词词组 is,twelve,Mary’s,sister?排列 Is Mary your sister?_____.A.Yes,it is B.Yes,she is C.Yes,he is Is Mary her sister?A Yes,she is B No,it is not 选那个 为什么? Mary’s sister is a singer.she is two years than her.A\older;elder B\elder;elder C····Mary’s sister is a singer.she is two years than her.A\older;elder B\elder;elder C\elder;older D\older;older 英语翻译高中英语作文,介绍奥运会会旗和联合国国旗含义内容:奥运会会旗:白色,中央有5个环连锁在一起,五环的颜色为蓝黄黑绿红,表示友谊,世界上每一面国旗中至少含有期中一种颜色.联 急要~英语作业…写说明奥运会会旗和联合国国旗的含义关于五环…国旗地图…橄榄枝 2008奥运会徽的含义(有英语,还要有翻译) ( )()is his sister?she is ( ). Is the girl his sister Yes,she's怎么改 His sister is a [ ].She works in a hospital.提示{ ]里的单词是[][][][]O[] 连词成句 is ,his,sister,she,too ) 连词成句is ,his,sister,she,too ) ( )sister is kate she is tom is sister( ) sister is kate .she is tom" sister.a who is b whose c who 会广东话,国语,英文,法语可以做翻译吗?