
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:55:31
中秋佳节,皓月当空.那一轮被黄灿灿的月晕衬托着,月光如透明的薄纱,朦朦胧胧地罩在大地上,清风拂面,不由撩动我思乡的情怀:离别故土几载,家乡的亲人可好!酸楚的我不禁潸然泪下,( ). 苏东坡中秋佳节,皓月当空.一轮明月.被黄灿灿月晕衬托着下文 白玖瑰什么含义? 张爱玲说的白玖瑰和红玖瑰是什么意思呢? 形容精神好成语 选择近意词There is NOT a problem ANY MORE.A.not...any longe more C not...any long D no...more可以的话请讲讲这几个词的区别 谢先 学识的意思是什么急 学识深而且广: 学识精湛是什么意思 学识献给的意思是什么 The girl went to school.And she did not eat anything.合并成一句 when did you arrive here?A in the same morning B on the night Con very afternoon选什么?为什么? 发现自己很多单词都会的,但没过两个月没看它就忘记一半多了,怎么办?是不是真所谓的记快忘的快呢? A perceptual mapping of online travel agencies and preference attributes中文 《4000常用英语单词动画讲解记忆(30秒可记一个单词)》 不论什么格式的我的单词量太少了,平时看书记忆太慢,还狠容易忘记在网上看到这个,可是一直找不到, 状语从句很多关系词怎么记? 以“爱”为话题写一篇议论文 写一篇以“爱”为话题的议论文,是议论文但是也有叙述 800字的 急啊大神们帮帮忙 我以背完4000个单词,但是容易忘!如果我把这些单词读5个月!每天2个小时!我能记住它们吗?我说的是永远! 长江肆虐流淌,改成拟人句 说说世界上所有的花的名字.(可以发花的照片)世界上所有的花哦!15天之内慢慢讲 They are going to (fly) there.I’m going to be a student at an art college in Paris(next year) 提 ___will be here tomorrow?A.How many John's friends B.Hou many of John's friendsC.How many friends of John D.How many friedns of John's ___ Mrs.Zhang____ (arrive) yet?Yes.She ______ already.When_____she______(arrive)?She______just___ Mrs.Zhang____ (arrive) yet?Yes.She ______ already.When_____she______(arrive)?She______just now. When he arrive at the station,the train______.A,has left B,left C,had left D,leaves When____the plane____(arrive)?It____just____(land). human的复数是什么 human的复数形式是什么 Lily with her parents ____going to HongKong next month.A.areB.will areC.will Jim is _____ _____(思考) going to Hong Kong next weekend. 这个句子有病不?I'm going to visit Hong Kong next month. there were still many people in the museum,(though) it was crowded.括号内单词为什么不用so