
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:59:14
On his way home,he found a bag ____(lie)on the groundThe printer___(paint)very quickly,so I like it very much the book,that I found on my way home please look on your book?找错 Please look ( ) what can you do?Please look ( ) what can you do?A.around B.about C.after D.it can i look at your iphone 4s,please.改同义句can i()()()()your new iphone 4s,please Can I () a look at your computer ,please?A see B put C have D knowCan I use your book?A No problem B you're welcome C It's nice D great My mother is a housewife.She does ( ).A.all the housework B.the all housework 刚注册了个阿里吧吧英文站的会员``收费么?注册了个阿里吧吧英文站的会员``收费么?就是中国共应商出口服务``不收费吧``` 吧嘎的英文怎么说? 英语go的o发什么音标? 英语中的l在音标中念O吗?例如specialty [speFElti] 用金山词霸听的象 s be xu o ti 在问一下pe 是念be 还是 pe 英语音标o和u有什么不同啊打不出那边半圆的, 写一个含有字母x,y的五次三项式 第三行,两山排(读音)送青来 第二行2.3个字的读音和意思 o在音标中是发欧吗 英语翻译 将家庭作业忘在家里用英语怎么说将家庭作业忘在家里翻译 英语 徐州的铜山县改为铜山区了那么铜山县的户口什么时候改为市区户口呢 徐州铜山县现在是铜山区吗? 江苏省徐州市铜山新区的邮编是多少? 江苏省徐州市铜山县的邮政编码是多少? I have something to tell you.It is impotant enough.(合并句子)I have ___ ___ ___ to tell you. have you is enough 什马中文意思 better in time (leona lewis)的感人之处在哪里 突然想问 where are you come from 为什么?平时经常讲,但是突然想起是动词后面的动词要加ing,所以觉得有问题,但where are you coming from看来也不对,是一种状态应该不能用ing. top中o的音标怎么写 lot中o的音标怎么写 bone中o的音标怎么写 江苏省太仓市经济技术开发区禅寺路99号用英文怎么翻译? 阅读短文回答问题:It's time to go home now,I am on a bus on rainy day.A worman with a dog getson the bus,It is a big dog and its feet are not clean."I don't want the dog to sit beside me." But the wormwn says to the conductor,"Oh,I pay for m 英语翻译How far is your home from school=什么